σηє-нυη∂яє∂ & тωσ (!!!)

Start from the beginning

"Get off me," she snarled, "I hate you." it was a lie and they both knew it.

"Shut up," he yelled, pinning her on to the bed, "Just shut up."

Her breathing was heavy and her chest was heaving with rage. She looked Draco dead in the eyes as he hovered above her and whispered, "I hate you."

"No, you don't," Draco shook his head.

She struggled against him, she couldn't help but miss him being this close to her. He was making her body hum. She even missed his rage and his dangerous temper.

"I won't ever forgive you for doing that to me," she whispered as she felt his knee press into between her legs. She tried to look away from his dangerous gaze but she could not.

"Then I will spend the rest of my life making up for it," he growled as hs lowered himself and kissed her forehead. She didn't try to move away but her breathing was still heavy and rough.

His breath was hot against her forehead. It only made her wilder for him.

"I missed you," he wispered, muttering the words into her ear as hs placed a kiss on her cheek. She turned her head and their lips skimmed one another. Teasing them both.

"You should have found me sooner," she told him, her emotions going wild. Anger and lust fighting with each other.

His lips found her neck and ever so slowly his lips kissed her neck. It was gentle and it was torturing her.

She'd missed him too.

"I had to make it believable," he said in between kisses, "but I had a way of keeping an eye on you."

It didn't take a genius to figure it out but Vienna felt foolish all of a sudden, "Owens?"

"Yes," Draco told her and went up to her face again, releasing one of her wrists and caressing her cheek. Brushing her slightly damp, messy hair out of her face. She was just as beautiful as he remembered. He wanted to devour her.

"We made a deal," Draco explained, "he was to protect you until I'd finished what needed to be done."

"Finish what?" Vienna asked.

"I'll explain another time," he said as he gripped her tighter, "right now all I want to do is this."

And that's when she felt his lips against hers and suddenly everything was okay again. His mouth was on hers and it felt like she could breathe again. Her hand came to his hair and gripped it tightly-the way she used to. And Draco moved his hand from her wrist and moved it to her hand and held it in his.

They were a mess of love and anger and had an insane desire for each other. Moments ago, she wanted him dead and she now realised she was being delusional and acting out of rage. Vienna didn't want Draco dead. She wanted him here and inside of her.

"Fuck," he groaned through their hard kiss.

Vienna wanted his shirt off, she wanted to see him again. He was here. He was alive and for the first time, him being here felt real. She ripped his shirt buttons free and his defined abbs revealed to her. Her eyes seemed to shine brighter.

His hand came to her chin and raised it so her eyes met his again, "one day you will see that I did what I did for you. For us. We would have never made it out of those woods alive if I didn't think of something. And I did. And I don't regret doing it."

His eyes where dark and dangerous.

Before she could respond, he was kissing her again and this time more lustfully. And quickly, his mouth moved to her neck and then he raised her back. He tugged her shirt up and Vienna pulled it off of her head eagerly. His eyes grew hungrier when he realised she hadn't been wearing a bra and her bare chest was revealed to him.

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