[NEW MOON] Chapter 39 - Party

Start from the beginning

Light music was playing in the background while the Cullens and my father were involved in a conversation. Being the one who worked the most in the kitchen, both my mother and I prohibited him from entering the kitchen the whole night.

After eating, my mother proceeded to do the dishes while I dried them with a clean cloth and Edward voluntarily put them back to their right place.

Edward has been around the house so much, of course without my parents knowing, that he knew it by heart and probably knew it better than all of us.

"I hope you're allergic to garlic, because it was a pain in the ass to convince my husband not to add it in the food. I would hate to have done that for nothing." my mom mumbled without looking up at Edward.

I looked at my mom, both surprised and amused. When I looked up at Edward, he was smiling as well.

The way she turned the sentence to not sound too considerate, made me smile. I knew oh too well that my mom didn't approve of my intimate relationship with Edward, but she hasn't done anything to go against it, for now, which I was grateful for. I didn't want to imagine what would happen if she tried to. Over the years, I was slowly starting to realize that both our tempers weren't that different from each other. Nothing good could come out of a fight between us.

"I am sorry for the bother yet thankful that you thought about it, Ms Brown. However, our kind is insensitive to food. Garlic included." Edward admitted.

My mom glared at Edward who tried to hide his smile, and then she looked down at me with frowned eyebrows.

"And you didn't think about telling me that ?" she asked me.

"I knew they could eat garlic, that's why I didn't tell dad anything. I didn't know you asked him." I answered, not able to hold my laugh. I wrapped my arms around my mother's waist while resting my head on her shoulders. "But thanks for thinking about it."

"What do you mean you're insensitive to food ? You don't eat ?" she asked Edward, completely ignoring me since she was annoyed.

"No, we don't." Edward answered.

"Why did we even bother cooking ?" she asked before she started shaking me off of her shoulder. "And you, why didn't you say anything ?" she asked me.

"They have to act human, mom." I whispered.

"Although we don't need to eat, Aiyanna has told me, countless times that your husband's cooking skills are excellent. I will take her word for it." Edward intervened.

My mom's eyes kept on going from me to Edward for a few seconds, her eyes squinting the more she did so, before she sighed. Her eyes finally stopped on me.

"Get out of here, it's your party." she told me, before rinsing the last plate.

I leaned in to kiss my mother's cheek, appreciating her effort, and grabbed Edward's hand to walk out of the kitchen to join the others. My mom soon followed, and sat beside my father. I could see her failing at hiding her discomfort. I hated to inflict that to her. The Cullens and I tried our best to not make them meet often, but there was one element that was disrupting us. My father.

My father who was actively having a heated conversation with Emmett and Jasper regarding sports, at the moment.

The same father who often invited the Cullens, especially the boys, when a football game would be on. Judging by how he spoke, every game looked like it was the game not to miss.

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