Chapter 29 - Indi's Epilogue

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Stories normally have a beginning, middle and an ending. But my story with Jill was different. We had many beginnings, coming when we both realised the undying love we had for each other. Multiple middles, as we were both living out our dreams together, and a few endings too.

But this time was different. There were no more endings, for Jill and me. We weren't fading. We weren't dying out. When I held her in my arms, in my apartment in London, after she had moved back from Wolfsburg, I realised that this middle was going to last. It was going to see the end of time, and with that I was truly excited.

"I have to show you this," she then said, taking out her phone and opening Spotify.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Viv played it for me, when we were apart, and, I'm not sure, but it reminded me of us." The song Back To December by Taylor Swift started to play, and as I listened to the lyrics, I could see why. I could see why it reminded her of us. Of our story.

"Freedom was nothing but missing you," I then said to her, smiling softly.

"I love you," she said to me, looking me in the eyes.

"I love you too."

A year later, it was time for a new chapter, for my favourite people.

"What are you thinking?" I asked Sam, as I brushed off some dust on her jacket. She was looking nervous, but her smile was as radiant as ever.

"Bit scared," she replied.

"Got your cards?" I asked.

"In my pocket," she answered. "Got the rings?"

"In mine too," I confirmed. I saw her breathe a sigh of relief, and I smiled at my friend. "You're the lucky one. You got me as your maid of honour."

"I think I'm more lucky that Kris has a sister," she laughed.

"Very true," I said back. "I'll see you out there, okay?" She nodded her head, and I walked out of the room, and to the altar. I saw Jill sitting there, beside Viv and Leah, and when she saw me, she gave me a soft smile, with her longing eyes. I knew that one day soon it would be us. This would be happening for us.

I stood at the altar, and Sam soon appeared. I leant forward, to whisper something into her ear.

"Get excited," I said. "This is the start of the rest of your life." I saw a faint smile in her cheeks, and retreated back.

A few moments later, Kristie appeared. Bob was walking her down, and she had a bouquet of lilies resting in her arms. When I saw her, my mouth nearly dropped. She looked stunning, as if she was out of a movie. Her white dress was simple, and yet elegant. Her long, blonde hair was tied back into a half up-do , and her eyes were glittered with colour. I knew Sam was trying to hold it all together, not wanting to let any tears fall before Kristie was even up beside her.

The wedding was beautiful. Their vows were promising, and hopeful, and all their family, friends and teammates lined the rows. It was beautiful to see how many truly cared about the two people who saved me.

At the reception, I gave my 'best friend' speech.

"Sam, Kristie," I started to say. "Wow. We're here. I want to tell you all a story. The story of how these two found each other, and why it's all thanks to me." Everyone in the room chuckled. "I must say that my matchmaking skills are quite good, and after I got these two talking, in the middle of a Covid lockdown might I add, I knew they were perfect for each other.

"Sam, I've known you for so many years now. You were always such a guiding presence, and playing alongside you for 10 years has been something I cherish so dearly. You hold a special place in my heart, and you always will. Sam, although can come across as very confident and outgoing, has a heart of true gold. She is the kindest, and most loving person I know. She treats everyone with dignity and respect, and has a way of touching each person she meets. She knows how to make you feel special, and I'm glad that Kris found someone like Sam.

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