Chapter 2 - The Ballon D'Or

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Indi's POV

Our first game of the season was soon approaching, and we were all just ready to get back on the pitch, and be where we were meant to be. Be with the people who we were meant to be with.

As we arrived at our training ground, ready to get on the bus to head up to Manchester, I went inside the common room, to find only Leah there, grabbing a coffee.

"Hey," I said to her, walking up to the fridge to grab a juice.

"Hi," she replied back, straightening up her back.

"How are you going?" I asked her.

"That's a loaded question," she replied, chuckling slightly.

"Right," I answered, "sorry."

"No, it's alright," she then said, turning to me. I saw her face, still red and her eyes forever bloodshot. I wanted to go up, there and then, and give her a hug. Give her a hug and tell her everything will be okay. Everything is going to be fine. But I didn't. I didn't want to remind her of everything, even though I knew in my heart that those thoughts were never going to leave her.

"We have an exciting match," I said to her, "Arsenal verse City. Always exciting."

"Very true," she said, perking up a little.

Before we could continue our conservation, Beth came rushing in.

"We're about to get on the bus!" She said, "you two got to hurry up!"

"We're coming!" I said to her, laughing.

"I feel like your mums," she answered, walking out.

"I think we best get going," Leah laughed.

"Otherwise Mum Beth will start a temper tantrum."

We walked out to the bus, and got on. I sat beside Leah, while Viv and Beth sat across from us. Kristie didn't travel to Manchester, as she had a niggle in her ankle that they wanted to rest her for.

A lot happened over the past year. A lot of different things. When Daan and Beth broke up, everyone was shocked. It made sense, to many of us, because Daan was in France, and Beth was still in London.

But what was even more shocking was the news of Viv and Lisa. Lisa went back to West Ham, and signed there permanently. She wanted more game time and that was fair enough. That caused, however, a split between them. Between Viv and Lisa.

This all paved the way for Beth and Viv, something no one ever expected. They had always been close, but this was new. It was different. They found a different sort of connection with each other, and everyone was happy for them, especially after the hectic few months we had all had.

So, as I sat beside Leah, Viv and Beth sat across from us. Together.

"Cards?" Beth asked us, wanting to play.

"Sure!" I replied, but Leah shook her head, staring out of the window. It was raining outside, and the environment reflected, most likely, how she felt. The tears from the sky mimicked her own emotions. Her own feelings.

"Come on!" Beth said, "don't you want to beat me and Indi?"

"What about me?" Viv questioned.

"Oh come on," Beth answered, "you know you never win at cards."

"True," Viv answered, not protesting any further.

"Fine," Leah replied, "one game!"

We didn't just play one game. We played a lot. We wanted to take her mind off things, to take her mind off everything. All her thoughts. All her emotions

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