Chapter 23 - Champions League Final

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Bradie's POV

The Champions League final. The epitome of success within the world of club football. It is everything. It is something I didn't have. I had achieved a lot of trophies within my years as a professional footballer. But I had never won a Champions League, and I wanted it. I wanted it badly.

"Do you think we'll win?" I asked Alexia, as we stood beside each other in the kitchen, as we were set to Bilbao. It was only an hour flight, which was nice for us. There was also expected to be a large turn out, with many of the Barca fans travelling over.

"I think so," Alexia replied, "but we can never be too certain. Chelsea are good. Very good."

"I'm scared," I said to her, nervously.

"Don't be scared," she replied, "it's only a game."

"But it's an important game," I answered.

"Yeah it is," Alexia then said, grabbing my hand, "but it is just a game." I smiled at my girl, pressing my lips softly against hers. She grabbed my bag, and her own, before I opened our door, to head to the plane.

We met the team, and then soon left on our charter jet. I sat beside Alexia, and Lucy and Keira sat across from us. I still didn't know whether Keira had found her letter yet. I had assumed she must not have, as I expected the letter to be with Ettie's things, and from what Lucy had told me, those boxes have not been touched. Keira had kept putting it off.

"Is she ever going to look through the boxes?" I asked Lucy, as Keira went off to the bathroom.

"Her mum texted her saying she should, before the Olympics at least," Lucy replied.

"I just want her to get it," I said.

"She will," Lucy answered, "don't worry about that." I nodded my head at Lucy, as Keira soon came back to sit down.

When we arrived at the stadium, something settled within me. Although nerves flooded through my veins, I knew that this was all meant to happen. I was meant to be here, and I liked this feeling of pressure. I liked the feeling of nerves before a game. It showed myself that I cared. Cared so deeply about this team, and my new club.

We got the team news, and I would be starting. I had been starting all the games so far this season, besides a few, and I knew it was going to be important for me to play my best. Play as if everything depended on it.

I soon stood in front of my jersey. The jersey with my name, and my number. I knew who I was doing this all for. I was doing it for them. I was doing it for Noah and for Grace. My parents.

"What are you thinking?" Alexia asked me.

"Thinking about them," I replied. She put her arm around my waist, holding me tight to her body.

"I wish I could've met them," she responded.

"They would've loved you," I said, softly, looking at my girl.

"I hope so."

"I know so." She smiled back at me, pressing delicately a kiss to my cheek.

Alexia soon put her arm band on, and we all lined up to head out onto the pitch. I saw Sam, and Hallie, and all the Chelsea girls. They seemed calm, and although we did too, I knew each person who would be playing on that pitch, or watching from the sidelines, would be nervous. Would be anxious. It's all a part of playing this game. The nerves.

I stood beside Lucy and Mapi, as we lined up. My arms wrapped around them, and I felt so much pride, being out on that pitch, with these girls. I soon came to realise that despite the outcome, I knew that my move to Barcelona was the right one. Being in this team, with the girls I soon called my friends, was exactly right. It felt good.

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