Chapter 20 - Scars

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Hallie's POV

Things seemed perfect. At this moment in time. It felt as if everything was falling into place. We won our first leg against Wolfsburg in the semi final, defeating them 2-0 at Stamford Bridge. It was exciting going into the second leg knowing that we were in the driver's seat. We knew it was going to be tough playing Wolfsburg in Germany, but that win was going to help us. It was going to set us up on the right path.

Alongside the achievements in football, there was also Jessie. My Jessie. She was everything I had ever wanted. She was everything I had ever needed. We worked. We meshed. She would often stay over at mine, and I would commonly go over to hers. We were inseparable, and I never liked being away from her for too long. Sometimes I questioned how I did get so lucky. How does someone like me find a girl like her? To most, I seem confident on the outside. I seem like I have my whole life together, but does anyone? Does anyone actually have their life organised and their brain calm?

But with her, I feel calm. I feel okay. She makes me feel settled in a world and environment that can often make one feel hurt. She made me feel as if I wasn't the replacement. I wasn't the second choice. She put a belief in me that not many could.

"I love you," I said to Jessie, as we sat on my couch one day after training, "you know that, right?" She looked at me, her eyes staring deeply into mine and a soft smile printing on her face.

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do," I replied. Her cheeks started to blush softly, and before she could look away, I grabbed her cheek, wanting to look into her eyes.

"I love you too," she then said softly, her shy tendencies largely obvious as she said these words of vulnerability. I smiled at her, pressing my lips onto hers and feeling the warmth and happiness she brought me.

We had a league game against Manchester United that weekend. It was crucial that we were winning all the games possible, hoping to win back the League trophy that we lost last year to Arsenal. All the girls were bummed that they lost it to our most prominent rivals. They wanted to prove to England, and to themselves, that Chelsea were dominant. Chelsea were the ones to be threatened by.

We hopped on the bus the next morning. Jessie often sits close to the middle with Niamh, Magda and Pernille, whereas I am at the back with Sam, Gruo, Erin and Millie. Although there is somewhat of a divide between certain types of people in the team (with players such as Sam, Guro, Erin, Millie, and me being considered loud and confident and outgoing and players such as Jessie, Magda, Pernille and Niamh being more chill and laid back) the overall vibe of the group is incredible. Everyone has their own strengths, and weaknesses. Each person is complemented by the team itself and complements the team as well. The dynamics are what I love.

Erin was blasting the music at the back of the bus, while Sam, Millie, Guro and I sang along.

"Just the greatest song, eh?" Erin said, as she sang along with the song.

"You do have a certain taste," I laughed back.

"Shut up," Erin joked, not taking a word of what I was saying.

We arrived in Manchester a few hours later, and settled into our rooms. I was rooming with Z for the night, and as we jumped into our beds, it wasn't for long, as we had to be downstairs for dinner.

I went to Jessie's room, which she was sharing with Niamh, ready to head downstairs with her.

"You ready?" I asked her, after I knocked.

"Yeah," she responded, grabbing her phone and closing the door behind her. She linked her fingers with mine, and we walked together to the elevator. Moments like these elated my heart. I loved when she went to reach for my hand, or when she instigated the hugs and kisses. They made me feel wanted and loved.

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