Chapter 17 - Snacks & Camp Nou

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Indi's POV

"Alright, we are so excited to bring on this week's guest. She's a World Cup winner, Ballon D'or and FIFA's Best recipient, Matilda's Vice-Captain, and honorary Mewis Sister. Please welcome, Indi 'Windy' Harrison!" Sam said, over the video which I was on, and Lynn as well.

"Thanks," I said, laughing, waving into the camera, "I'm so excited to finally be on."

"Now hang on," Sam started to say.

"Took you six seasons," I laughed over.

"You're a busy girl," Lynn added.

"No one is too good for Snacks," I joked.

"That is very true," Sam laughed back.

"Now Indi," Lynn started to say, "I really wanted to ask you this question. What is Christmas like with Sam and did you get filled with Pat's cooking?" I laughed at this question, and Sam did too.

"Indi is a regular at Mewis Christmas'," Sam added.

"That I am," I said, "but Christmas in Boston is always incredible. Very different to Australia. It's cold and icy, and definitely not beach weather."

"Oh my god, yeah," Sam then said, "it's hot in Australia for Christmas, isn't it?"

"Yep," I answered, "very hot. Normally 30 degrees and warmer. Good beach weather."

"The fans probably want to know why you are a Boston girl for winter when you can go to warm Australia," Lynn then asked.

"Well, I've been going to Boston for Christmas since, what, like 2018? It was always easier to go to Boston than back home, and when Covid happened, I spent two Christmas' in Europe and then last year went home, but thought I'd go back this year."

"Christmas felt so weird the last few years without you," Sam added.

"Felt weird not being there," I responded.

"What's Christmas like with Sam?" Lynn asked, laughing slightly.

"It's great," I responded, "it's normally a full house. Bradie came this year, Sam and Kristie were there, Pat, Sam, Mel and Bob. It was great."

"Crowded," Sam joked, "but it was incredible having you lot all there with us."

"So, Inds, what was the Ballon D'or like? Did you know you were going to win?" Lynn asked.

"Not at all," I replied, honestly, "I went in with no expectations really. It was the first Ballon D'or I had been to, as normally I would be in season, and so it was really a surreal experience to even be there. Let alone win it."

"We were all rooting for you back here," Lynn added.

"And there was no doubt in my mind you were going to win it," Sam then said, "you had been rocking the boat the past few years." I laughed as Sam said this, getting slightly flustered with the flattery.

"Well, I mean, you can never be too sure about these things, but Kris said the same thing to me as well."

"In your speech, you brought up a lot of good points that I think may be important to address," Lynn started to say. "You talked a bit about grief and how we must band together as a society. Do you want to elaborate on that?" 

"Yeah, so, I think for all of us the past five, six months have been difficult. We lost a really important person within our world, and it has been tough for many of us to cope with that loss. I wanted to spread a message that I thought was important, and that wasn't about winning, or success, but rather about love and kindness. I think those attributes are more important than any sort of success I, or anyone for that matter, could have." 

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