Chapter 12 - Bradie in Paris

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Bradie's POV

We were soon heading into Christmas, but before that there were a few things that happened.

We won our first three matches of the Champions League group stages. Our match against PSG came just before international break. We flew over to Paris, one of the hardest stadiums and places to play in, and I knew there were going to be a few things I needed to face. A few demons that would most likely come into my path.

Going to France is always hard for me. Being in the place that my parents died is tough. Paris is not as bad as Lyon, but it still reminds me of them. Of my parents. Of my best friends, and the people I lost too early. Too soon.

"You okay?" Keira asked me, as we got on the plane to head to Paris.

"Yeah, you?"

"As okay as I'll ever be," she replied, smiling at me. She soon walked ahead, catching up to Lucy as she went down the aisle. I stood in the plane, remembering to breathe. I felt a body come up behind me, wrapping her arms around my waist, and kissing me softly on the cheek.

"Ready?" She asked.

"Excited," I replied. She took my hand, and we went to sit on the plane, towards the back, and behind Mapi and Ingrid. The team all knew about Alexia and me. We had been pretty open about it, especially after it all became official. But we still kept it on the down low everywhere else. Alexia had a name to herself, and I did too. After everything that had happened with Jackie previously, and similarly with her relationships, we didn't want intrusion within our relationship.

She held my hand as we took off, one air pod in my ear and the other in hers. It was only a short flight to Paris, and when we arrived we knew we all had a job to do. We wanted to keep our streak going, not wanting to lose any game within the group stages.

Going to Paris also meant coming face to face with Jackie. I hadn't seen her since that day in Sydney. Since I gave her back my necklace, and left her standing at Ben Buckler, in Bondi Beach. Even though we were over, and even though I was content with that, I didn't know how I would fare seeing her again. Being on the same pitch with her again, even though this time we were on different teams.

I normally room with Ingrid on away trips, and Alexia and Mapi always share. I have loved having Ingrid on the team with me. She has an infectious spirit, something I always admire in someone.

"How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"What about?" I questioned.

"Playing tomorrow, against your..."

"My ex?" I answered for her, "well it's not ideal." I nervously laughed as I said this, turning away from the bed to put my suitcase in the closet.

"How did you end anyway?" She asked, expressing her question openly.

"It was...complicated."

"How so?" She then questioned. I could tell she wasn't going to budge on this topic, and it would be easier to answer than retort.

"Well, as you know, we broke up over the phone, and I just think we clung onto each other because we were the only people in this world that knew what the other was going through. Trauma, like the one we went through, brings people together. But we both realised that that wasn't, per say, healthy. It wasn't what was best for both me and her. And we understood that. She then moved to PSG, and we didn't really talk about it and then I moved to Barca soon after."

"And so you broke up?"

"Yeah. And look now, I'm incredibly happy, with amazing friends and-"

"And an amazing girlfriend," she answered for me.

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