Chapter 15 - The Party

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Hallie's POV

"You coming to the party?" Sam asked me, as we caught up for a coffee after she returned from Boston.

"Think so," I answered, "you?"

"Of course," she smiled back, "party of the year! Definitely do not want to miss it!"

"I've been told," I replied.

"Last years' was crazy! Like, so much happened."


"Well, for starters Jill rocked up, after Indi kissed someone else."

"Who?" I asked, curiously.

"Daly," Sam laughed back.

"Oh my god. So, Indi kissed Rachel, as in Kristie's ex?"


"How did that go down?"

"Kris didn't care," Sam replied, not phased.

"Okay, so what else?"

"Well, Ettie kissed Hayley..."

"What about Leah? I thought they were a couple?"

"Not then they weren't. But, from what I heard, Leah and her made up that night. Got back together."

"Jesus," I said, "that's a lot."

"And that isn't even all of it," she laughed.

"Oh yeah?"

"Well, stuff went down with Bradie too, and her ex."

"Her ex?"

"Yeah, Jackie Groenen."

"Bradie dated Jackie Groenen? I thought she was now with Alexia Putellas?"

"She is," Sam assured, "Bradie's actually had three girlfriends who play football."

"Who's the third?"

"Emily Sonnett."

"Hold on," I said, "Bradie dated Emily Sonnett? That is so unexpected."

"They were together for a while too, but then she moved over and yeah... things changed."

"Jeez. Do we expect the same amount of shit to happen tomorrow?" I asked Sam.

"Maybe," she laughed, "But I'm definitely staying out of it."

"I'll be with you for that," I joked back.

The next day, I went over to Mason's apartment, before I was set to head to Millie's party. When I walked inside however, Indi was sitting at his kitchen table.

"Hey," I said to her.

"I was hoping I'd catch you," she replied, "you're coming right?"

"Yeah, I was going to head straight there, actually. Are you?"

"I think so," she answered.

"Is Mason coming?" I asked her, not sure whether my brother would be wanting to be there.

"I haven't told him about it," she answered.

"Oh?" I questioned.

"Yeah, I didn't want him to feel like he had to." 

"Okay," I answered, not sure what she meant by that remark.

"But, we should ask him," she then said, comfortably.

"Only if you want to," I said, not wanting to pressure her.

Mason soon walked in the door, after showering.

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