Chapter 28 Silence

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Recap: "We ordered three boxes of pizza, so we still have leftovers. Do you want to come inside and have some?" Surprisingly he said yes.


Daksh P.O.V.

Last time I was dragged here by Zen and his whole gang because he wanted to meet his Tiara.

Now, I am here again, this time willingly.

Although, it is still indirectly because of Zen.

If it was any other day, I must have denied her offer. Today, however, I'm so tired, and I didn't have dinner either. So, when she offered me this tempting offer, I couldn't deny it.

I mean, come on, it's Sehi Cafeteria pizza we are talking about! How can someone say no to it? Especially when that someone is damn hungry.

"Here we go," came Miss Agarwal's voice. She insisted on heating the pizza. At first, I declined as I didn't even mind eating a cold one, so much so that I am starving!

She put the plate on the table near the couch and sat beside me, leaving an appropriate distance between us.

Without wasting another second, I pick up the plate and start devouring the Pizza.

'Finally, peace!'

"Oh my, eat slowly, Mr. Malhotra. I assure you that no one is going to snatch your food."

'Embarrassed, but whatever. It's not like she thinks highly of me anyway.'

Whilst turning towards her, I raised my hand that held the pizza slice I was eating and muttered a small thank you to her.

"No worries," she replies.

I only nodded my head and resumed eating.

This home seems so quiet today, unlike last time. Maybe everyone was asleep, as it's late now.

However, was it a good decision to come into the house of a woman I barely know this late at night? God, what will her parents think? Hell, what if anyone from her neighborhood saw us together?

It is still India, after all, modern yet conservative. Did I behave recklessly?

So many questions.

"My parents are out of the station, and we personally don't care about what noisy people think about us," I wasn't entirely sure why she was saying all of these random things. So, I looked at her questioningly.

She raised her eyebrows but replied casually, "Just answering your questions."

Oh! Did I say that aloud?

"I see," what else am I supposed to say?

Silence prevailed around us. My pizza kept me occupied as I occasionally peeked here and there, and Miss Agarwal just sat there doing something on her mobile.

Silence never bothered me, but it never comforted me like right now.

It's been so long since someone sat with me for the sake of just being.

Yeah, Ayaan, Swati and Aryan are there. However, Aryan never really liked the company, and as far as Swati and Ayaan are concerned - there is no silence with them.

Speaking of Ayaan, that man got real occupied after his marriage. I haven't seen him for like a week now. I have no idea what's going on in his life these days.

I made a mental note to check on him.

(A/N: Yes, guys, I know that you must have wanted details of Mayra's and Ayaan's wedding, but I am planning to make it a separate book for them, let's keep the suspense alive!)

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