Cheers to the New Year, 2022!!

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Hope you are doing good and if not then hopefully you will be fine real soon. Keep trying and don't give up on yourself.

A very Happy New Year to you and your loved ones. Happy 2022!

365 blank pages of new notebook 2022, waiting to be filled by you!

It seems a little unreal right that 2021 already ended. But when you will sit down and look back at it, you will realize how many happy, sad, excited, anxious, awkward, hilarious, empty and many more moments like these you lived in 2021.

And of course, there will be this feeling, "I must have done this or that differently." "I must have given this or that, my little more time." "I shouldn't have taken that decision." "My year didn't go as planned."

But guess what! We can't do anything about it now except thinking about it. That moment, that day, that month, that year is already gone. But what we can do is use that thinking to make our present better and maybe then eventually this better present will make the better future for us. Of course, life is full of unpredictable stuff and you never know, what will happen next. And this is why exactly, we should focus more on the present. The future is shaped by what we are doing in present after all.

All we have is this moment right now, that we are living. This moment, in which I am writing this and this moment, in which you are reading this.

So, let's live one day at a time; one moment at a time.

I hope you will get to do things this year that you didn't get to do last year because of one reason or another. And yeah, many many more new things.

Cheers to the new year. Cheers to 2022!

Thank you for reading till the end.

Meet you in the next Chapter *Hopefully real soon*

Until next time, Be kind to others and yourself too.

Keep Expressing. Keep Sharing. Keep Smiling and Keep Shining.

Surbhi Agarwal | Random_hearttalks 

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