Chapter 21 Secrets - Part 1

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Daksh P.O.V.

"Dad, look, mommy is there," Zen says, pointing at a woman standing a little distance from us. I was unable to see her face since her back was facing us. I have no idea what made Zen think she is his mommy.

Turning my attention back to him, I try to make him understand that she is not his mommy, "No, Zen. She is not a mommy."

"Yes, she is," says my stubborn son.

"Who told you she is your mother?"

"No one."

"Then why do you think that she is your mommy?"

"It is because she adores me, cares about me, plays with me, feeds me, and she loves me very much"

Well, what the hell! Who the hell is she?

Without waiting for my reply, he started running in her direction, shouting, 'Tiara?'


As in Kiara?

I mean, Kiara Agarwal?

I didn't get a chance to react further because someone poured cold water on me. And I never felt this relieved in my life when Ayaan woke me up like this before.

Dream! It was a dream! Thank god, it was a dream. I have no idea; how should I have reacted if this was not a dream.

"Man, what the hell! Who sleeps like this? I was trying to wake you up for the past half an hour. Guess what, it was not the first glass of cold water I poured on you," in my defense, I was in a very intense dream, dude!

"And who the hell wakes someone up by using cold water every single time? If I was not waking up, can't you just let me sleep for a little while more?" Ayaan always does this. Whenever he comes home early in the morning, he never wakes me up like a normal human being.

"There is no way I can let you sleep just a little longer. I care about you, Daksh. If you wake up late, you will go to the office late, if you go to the office late, you will work less, and if you work less, you will make fewer profits. How can I let my best friend make fewer profits?" My 'best friend' ladies and gentlemen.

'This is Weekend today, no office but nevermind. If your concern about your best friend ended, care to tell why are you here in the first place to disturb my sweet weekend evening sleep? How come you are free on the weekend evening, don't you have your irritating parties to attend to?" On most of the weekends, he attends these parties at clubs. I have no idea what fun he finds there; I only find headaches at such places.

"I am here to pick up Zen. I promised to take him somewhere today," he says, turning around to exit my room.

Picking up the t-shirt that I threw on the bed before sleeping, I also made my way downstairs.

He is taking Zen out a lot these days. They never tell me where they are going. It is always, 'Somewhere.' I am not letting them get away today without telling me where exactly these two are going.

They were about to leave when I stopped them by yelling from behind, "Wait, stop. You guys are not stepping out of this house without informing me where you are going. You never even cared to ask me if I wished to join or not. What secret are you keeping from me?"

They look at each other before Ayaan opens his mouth to speak, "We are going somewhere. We will be back soon. We choose not to ask you because we are aware that you are not going to like where we are going. And if you did like then you are going to try finding the reason to force yourself to dislike it"

Love Hidden In Hateजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें