Chapter 18 - Family?

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Daksh P.O.V.

"It looks beautiful. Isn't it?" Asks Swati.

"Yes," I reply intuitively.

"I knew it!" She shouts, almost making me deaf.

But I don't care. I just can't stop staring at the picture that she sent me a few moments ago. It's a picture of a not so little incident that happened at the Cafeteria.

I was shocked, would be an understatement. I didn't expect that to happen at all, it just happened, making me still and it took me a while to come to my senses again.

As soon as I realized what was happening, I instantly leaned backwards in my chair. Sensing my action, Kiara also separated herself from Zen and practically ran away from there with her friend; leaving me dazed.

Right now, we are in my car; heading back home. I was planning to go to the office before but now my thoughts are all over the place, it's of no use in going back to the office like this. Swati also announced that she will be staying with us for a few days, so she tagged along with us.

If I shouldn't have come here, this must not have happened.

'We are back to thinking about it?' voice in my hand wonders.

It's all because of her, my devil-like sister. She is the one who sent me the picture of Kiara with Zen in her arms, both smiling looking at each other. I knew the place in the picture, I go there sometimes with Zen, their Pizza is mouthwatering.

I tried calling her to know what they are doing with Kiara, but she didn't pick up.

What the hell I was thinking when I came here, leaving everything even my meetings! I can't believe it, I forgot to tell Shreya even to cancel meetings. I was surprised myself by noticing the speed I reached to them.

I'm still not sure whether I came here because I didn't want Zen to meet Kiara anymore or because I also wanted to be with them, wanted to spend time with them!

'I will go with the first reason.' I answer my unspoken question.

Then why looking at this picture, my heart is once again yearning to have my own family, just like I wished to have when I got to know that I'm going to be a father!

"You deserve to have a family of yours, Brother. You deserve love in your life. Don't be too harsh on yourself. Give chance to love if it comes knocking at your door, which I know going to happen soon." Swati voices as if she read what was going on in my mind. She sometimes acts too mature for her age. One minute, she is childlike and the next minute she behaves like a grannie.

I'm not scared to give anyone another chance. It's just when Natasha, my ex-wife left me; even when I didn't love her, I felt abandoned. I felt worthless. I doubted myself.

Although we didn't share any romantic feeling towards each other, I tried my best to make her feel secured; I was trying to be a better husband but she didn't even consider to talk with me once before deciding to leave so abruptly, not caring a bit about our baby; about me. She just left, abandoning me and my son. And that's what I'm not ready for, I don't want to feel abandoned again.

I'm not going to tell all of this to Swati. I know she will understand and she will try to make me not think like this but I don't want to make her worry again. I'm trying to change my perspective towards this and these days, I can feel the changes within me, little for now but there are changes.

Though, it's best, for now, to close this topic for good.

"Ah! My little sister is not little anymore." I tease Swati, hoping it will change the topic. She doesn't like to be called 'little' at all. It irritates the hell out of her.

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