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'Did you notice Changbin and Seungmin?' Minho asked, his voice quiet to avoid being overheard. Not that he probably would have been anyway, with the noises of the bus and the people all around them. They were on their way to Jisung's after study, Jisung leaning into Minho.

'Not really,' Jisung admitted. 'I feel like this week's been really busy. Every day something's happened. What's happened with Changbin, though?'

'He's got a thing for Seungmin. They text all the time and walk to lessons together and sleep in the same bed but Changbin doesn't know how to ask him out.' Minho decided to leave out the bit about Changbin considering using Seungmin to get over Felix. He didn't want Jisung to think any less of Changbin than he already did.

'Aw. I hope it works out for him. I can see them together, actually. I think they'd be a cute couple.'

Minho glanced at Jisung out the corner of his eye. Jisung didn't seem to have anything against Changbin, but he knew Jisung had been furious over the Changbin-Felix thing. Was him talking about Changbin upsetting Jisung? Did Jisung resent that Minho had stayed friends with Changbin through it all?

Jisung snuggled closer, his nose in Minho's neck. Minho could feel the air on his skin when Jisung breathed out. Whatever happened with Changbin, with Jennifer, with any of their friends, Minho never wanted it to affect his relationship with Jisung.

'Nearly home,' Jisung mumbled.

'Yeah.' Their stop was next. Minho smoothed his hand over Jisung's thigh. 'Jisung?'


'Do you hate Changbin?'

'No. Why would I hate Changbin?'

Minho's grip on Jisung's thigh tightened. 'Because of what he did to Felix. You were really mad when--back when it all happened. It just feels like--' What did it feel like? Jisung had never acted any differently with Minho, knowing he was still friends with Changbin the whole time. Besides what he'd said during the argument at lunch, Jisung hadn't really mentioned it again.

Sometimes it just felt like they were from completely different friend groups rather than part of the same one. Jisung had Felix, San and Hyunjin. Minho had Changbin and Chan, and he'd dare to argue Seonghwa, too. Besides sitting together at break and lunch, they seemed to operate in different worlds sometimes.

'Minho,' Jisung said softly, placing his hand over Minho's on his thigh.

How long had he been staring at his hand? Minho snapped his gaze up to meet Jisung's eyes. They were soft, and held Minho's. 'Sorry,' Minho whispered. 'Sorry. I don't know why I keep thinking you'll leave because of what other people do.'

Jisung smooshed his cheek into Minho's. Minho could feel his face move as Jisung spoke. 'The only people in this relationship are you and me. It doesn't matter what I think about Changbin. It doesn't matter what he or Jennifer or anyone else does. Okay?'


'But I don't hate Changbin,' Jisung added, pulling away as their stop came into view. 'Felix has forgiven him so I have no reason not to forgive him either. I'm not gonna suddenly be best friends with him, because I still don't like what he did. But I understand him better now and I know he's not a bad person. And if this is about you being friends with him, I don't care. You have your own friends, Minho.'

The bus stopped with a slow hiss, and Minho let out a breathe. He let go of Jisung's thigh to take his hand, and let him lead him off the bus. They didn't say anything as they walked to Jisung's flat, Jisung glancing up at Minho with a smile every so often.

Minho liked how it felt like Jisung looked after him just as much as he looked after Jisung. He liked knowing he didn't have to be some strong, unbreakable dominant all the time. He could be insecure and worried and sad and Jisung would love him just the same. Minho needed Jisung just as much as Jisung needed him.

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