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It took them a long time to get back to Jisung's; they kept stopping to kiss against lamp posts and the sides of buildings. When they finally flopped onto Jisung's bed, Minho looked at him. He felt like he hadn't really looked at Jisung since everything had happened.

Jisung lay next to him, eyes closed and lips parted, breathing softly. There were two hickies on his neck and his hair was messy; he was beautiful, absolutely perfect, and Minho wanted to engrave him in his mind forever. He wanted to do that a lot, he noticed.

'You're staring,' Jisung said.

'You don't know that, your eyes are closed.'

'I can feel you staring.' Jisung opened his eyes, glancing at Minho. 'See? You are staring.'

'You're cute.'

'How original. Are you going to cuddle me or...?'

Minho chuckled. He liked this side of Jisung. A pang of jealousy shot through him as he wondered who else had seen this side of him. He wanted to be the only one, to have Jisung to himself, but the rational part of him knew Jisung wasn't even his to have. Pushing his thoughts to the back of his brain, Minho moved closer to Jisung, wrapping an arm around him tightly.

'You know, you should come to mine,' Minho murmured.

'What, meet your cats?'

'Mm. But also because I have to go home today and I like you around.'

Jisung snuggled closer, rolling over so his back was pressed to Minho's chest. 'When I can be bothered to get up, I'll tell Mum.'

'Have dinner and stay the night. Bring your uniform, stay tomorrow night too. You can go to school with me on Monday, it's fine.'

'Simp, you really are attached,' Jisung teased.

'Only for you.'

* * *

It was late afternoon when they got to Minho's flat. 'If we're quiet, we can sneak past--'

'Minho!' Jisoo hurried out the kitchen towards them, her eyes blazing. 'You can't tell me you'll be home "today" and not specify a time!'

Minho couldn't tell if she was angry or just worried. 'Sorry, but I didn't know what time we'd be done.'

'Doing what? Not answering my texts until a day later?'

Jisung stepped further behind Minho. 'We were just hanging out at my house,' he mumbled.

'Jisoo, Jisung. Jisung, Jisoo.'

Jisoo sighed, a smile settling over her features. 'Jisung, how nice to meet you. I'm Minho's mum. Well, one of them.' She chuckled, and Minho resisted the urge to scowl. It was the thing that annoyed him the most, the way she acted like she'd raised him. Oh, and the way she would change depending on the person she was with.

'Nice to meet you, too,' Jisung murmured.

'I stayed at Jisung's last night, like I told you. We hung out today, and I thought it'd be okay for Jisung to stay for a few days. I did ask Mum.'

'Okay. That's fine.' She pinched the bridge of her nose. 'But don't you think you should tell me, too? Or just tell me, since I'm the main one here when you are?'

'Yeah, fine, I'll do that in future.'

Whatever you want, Jisoo, but it still won't make you my mother.

* * *

Dinner was relatively quiet. Minho helped Jisoo cook while Jisung sat at the table awkwardly. When some had been put aside for Minho's mum and the food was on the table, they all sat down. For a few moments, they ate in painful silence--but then Jisoo put her chopsticks down and took a sip of water. Minho had guessed what was coming and dreaded it.

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