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Despite what he'd thought, the cold did not keep Minho's horniness under control. All he could think about as he huddled with Jisung at the back of the bus was what would happen when they got home. All the different things Minho could do to Jisung, the different things they could try...

Yeah, if he hadn't been hard before, he definitely was now. He was cold now, but he'd be hot at home, his naked skin pressed against Jisung's. He could have Jisung ride him, or he could suggest they try a different position, or he could just tie Jisung up and fuck him until he forgot his name.

Whatever it was that happened, whatever he decided to do, Minho wanted to pull Jisung apart, reduce him to a moaning mess, have him slipping between his fingers into a puddle on the bed.

Jisung was practically in his lap on the bus, sucking marks into his neck. Somewhere in the back of Minho's mind, he had the thought that it would be too easy to just fuck Jisung right now, on the bus, but a rational part of him knew it was a stupid idea.

Minho pulled Jisung away from his neck, catching his lips in a searing kiss. Jisung moved fully onto his lap, his knees on either side of Minho's hips. Minho slid his hands into Jisung's hair, groaning into his mouth. He could feel Jisung's hard on, pressed against him, and God, he wanted to get off this damn bus. Jisung grinded against him, small movements of his hips, and Minho slid his hand to Jisung's waist, encouraging his grinding.

'Please,' Jisung whimpered against Minho's mouth, hands fisted in his hoodie.

Minho pulled away slightly to brush his lips against Jisung's ear. 'Shh, I know, sweetheart, I know. When we get home, I promise.'

He glanced out the window, noticing they were coming up to Minho's flat. He pressed the button and made Jisung get off his lap. When the bus stopped, Minho and Jisung hurried off, barely remembering to grab their paper bags from Felix.

Minho realised there were several people in the front of the bus, who had probably noticed him and Jisung. But he couldn't bring himself to care, not when he was aching with need and they were now outside his building. Minho rang the buzzer, waiting for the faint click of the door, before pushing it open.

It was still cold inside the building, but not quite as cold as outside. Jisung clutched Minho's arm, although he couldn't huddle close as they took the stairs two at a time.

Minho had barely even knocked when his front door swung open. Jisung let go of him, rushing to get his shoes off.

'You're back a bit early,' Jisoo complained. 'It's a party, you're allowed to stay later. It's almost like you don't like your friends.'

'I do, but that's my socialising done for the day.' Minho pulled his shoes off, already heading towards his room, dumping the paper bags on the kitchen table on the way.

'I'll do dinner in a bit,' Jisoo said, pulling Doongie into her lap. 'Did you eat at Chan's?'

'No. We'll eat with you in a bit, then.' Minho glanced around his room for cats, checking under the bed, then shut the door.

Jisung pressed himself against Minho, and Minho wrapped his arms around him. He could feel Jisung's hard on; Minho brushed his hand over Jisung's ass, dipping his finger down to press against the base of the plug through Jisung's jeans.

Jisung whined against Minho's neck. 'Minho, please.'

Minho slid his hand between their bodies, undoing Jisung's jeans, and then his own. It didn't do much to relieve his dick, and Minho walked Jisung back until the backs of his knees hit the bed. Jisung let go of Minho's shoulders, getting onto the bed, and Minho tugged Jisung's jeans off.

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