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It was an understatement to say the sexual tension between Minho and Jisung was palpable. They'd nearly been late for school because Minho had Jisung pinned against a wall, but once they got in the car, Jisung became a jittery mess. He rushed to get out the car, Minho barely keeping up with him. Jisung headed straight to his classroom with a 'Bye' thrown over his shoulder.

Minho didn't know what it was, and searched the hallways for someone in Jisung's year. When he saw the back of Felix's head, he chased after him, grabbing his shoulder.

Felix jumped, whipping around quickly. He relaxed when he saw it was Minho. 'Oh, it's you. Hi.'

'Hi, can you do me a favour and watch Jisung today? He's been anxious this morning and I don't know what it is.'

'Anxiety doesn't need a reason.'

'I know, I'm just--' Minho chewed on his tongue, trying to find the words to explain it. He had a gut feeling there was something worrying Jisung. All he wanted was for it to be lunch time so he could talk to him. 'Felix. I just have this, like, feeling--you know, when something's not right? Something's bothering him and I just want you to look after him a bit, okay?'

'Okay. Yeah.' Felix nodded, glancing at the time on his phone. 'If you see Chan, send him my way, okay? Gotta go now, see you later.'

* * *

Minho didn't pay attention in any of his lessons. The conversation he and Jisung had said they'd have today at lunch played on his mind as he wondered what he'd say, how it would play out. He wondered if Chan and Felix had had a conversation like this, and what they'd said. Maybe he should ask Chan. Minho'd seen him in his first lesson, and told him Felix wanted him, and Chan had said he'd see him at morning break.

Minho didn't have any lessons with him until right before lunch, so he'd have to ask him then.

* * *

Time passed in a slow blur. Minho oblivious to any education he was supposed to receive that day, instead focusing on Chan and Jisung. He needed to talk to Chan. He needed to make sure Jisung was okay. Minho had texted Jisung during break to ask for the classroom he was in right before lunch so he could meet Jisung there.

The bell rang, and Minho packed his stuff away to hurry to his next lesson, the last one before lunch. One he shared with Chan.

The moment he got there, he waited for Chan. When Chan got there a few minutes later, Minho leaned forward. 'Chan. I need to talk to you.'

'Um, hi there. You're intense. What's up?' Chan asked, sitting down and gently pushing Minho back to his side of the desk.

'Right. So. You and Felix. You've had sex, right?'

Chan raised his eyebrows. 'Okay, but why is everyone so fucking obsessed with our sex life?'

'Me and Jisung... We're, um, going to start having sex, right, and I said we needed a conversation about, like, hard limits and what we're into and whatever, and--I just wanted to know if you and Felix did that, because we're gonna talk about it at lunch, yeah, and I don't know what to say. Wanted to know if you had, um, any tips or anything.'

Chan's shoulders relaxed, and he grinned at Minho, leaning in. 'You should have started with that. Yeah, we have, and yeah, we did. Just ask about any kinks, if there's anything you want to do to him. Anything you want to try, or things you'll never do, talk about it. Turns ons, toys, places you wanna have sex, things like that.'

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