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Minho dozed on and off for hours. But he must have fallen asleep at some point, because it was eight when he woke up, the early morning sunlight streaming through the windows where Minho had only half shut his curtains.

Jisung was still snuggled in his arms, his body rising and falling softly in time to his even breathing. Minho smiled, stroking a finger over Jisung's cheek. Jisung was so beautiful like this, asleep without a worry in the world. Minho wished he could join Jisung wherever he went when he slept. If they could be together in sleep, they could sleep forever and ignore the rest of the world.

A small smile curved Jisung's lips. He shifted, rubbing his eyes. He turned as much as he could with Minho's dick still buried inside him, looking at Minho. 'Hi.'

'Hi sweetheart,' Minho murmured.

'We should do something today,' Jisung suggested.

'Oh? You didn't like spending the entire day in bed?'

Jisung flushed. 'I did. But I'm a bit fucked out now. Give me a day or so.'

Minho frowned. He remembered Jisung's wince last night. 'Did I hurt you?'

'No. I'm just a bit sore. Like, really sore. But I'm fine.'

'I'm sorry. I did push you a bit far. Was it okay other than that?'

'Yeah. It was like an overload of everything feeling really good. I was drowning in it.'

'Safe to say we can take multiple orgasms off your soft limits,' Minho teased, kissing the back of Jisung's neck.

Jisung whined softly, pressing back against Minho. 'Maybe. Did you mean it when you said I should cockwarm more?'

'I'm surprised you remember that.' Jisung usually didn't remember much from after sex, even if he'd had a nap before they'd had that conversation. Jisung had still seemed pretty out of it, and Minho didn't expect Jisung to have much recollection of any of it. 'How much do you remember?'

'It's a bit blurry after the sex, but even the sex is blurry. Like, the sex is just a blur of feelings, you know? But after, I remember sleeping, I remember eating, and I remember you saying I should cockwarm more. Or maybe that happened in a different order. Did you say that, then we ate, then we slept?'

'No, we slept, then talked, then ate, then went back to sleep.'

'Oh. Lots of sleep. Well, let's not do that much sleeping today,' Jisung said, reaching for his phone. It was buried on the bedside cabinet beneath everything else on there, and Jisung leaned forward so far to pick it up that he ended up moving half way off Minho's dick.

Jisung settled back down, Minho sliding back inside him, and Minho held him close as Jisung checked his messages. He seemed to have a lot, and Minho found it almost amusing that Jisung had so many messages from so many different people considering he barely socialised with people other than Minho, Felix and San. Even Hyunjin, who Minho had always thought was Jisung's best friend, Jisung only saw at school and whole group meet ups. Minho knew they texted all the time, and while Jisung was close with Hyunjin, he'd quickly realised Jisung was even closer with Felix and San.

'How do you talk to so many people?' Minho asked.

'Because I have people I know, from middle school and after school study and my lessons, who I'm friends with but we're not, like, best friends. I would never go out with them, but I like talking to them sometimes. Don't you have friends like that?'

'No. I don't talk to anyone besides the friend group.'

'Oh. Do you want to, or...?'

Minho smiled. 'I'm fine, sweetheart. I don't need other friends. If I wanted to talk to someone else I'd talk to Wooyoung. He sounds like fun.'

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