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Minho wasn't going to Jisung's on Friday night thinking they were going to have sex. Even though after the sex shop last night they'd holed themselves up in the corner of some café and kissed for ages. Even though it was more than likely they'd fuck. Even though Minho had the sex toys they'd bought yesterday in his backpack after cleaning them last night. Even though Minho had brushed up on his knot techniques last night. Minho wasn't expecting anything, because sex wasn't a guarantee, and he didn't know what might happen. They might stay up into the early hours of Saturday morning binging anime, like they had before. Jisung might curl up against Minho the moment they got in and refuse to move for hours.

But that didn't mean Minho didn't hope he'd get to fuck Jisung until he forgot his own name.

Minho knew Chan would ask him about the sex shop, because it was almost guaranteed Jisung would have told Felix, and Felix told Chan everything. And, sure enough, when Minho sat down at lunch, Chan was grinning.

'Hey, Minho,' Chan said.

'Ask me if you're going to,' Minho said with a smile.

'Thrills and Frills, huh? Felix has already looked it up.'

'It's good. The downstairs is like a sex dungeon. Neon red lights and everything.'

'My reliable, nosy source has told me of the things you got.'

Minho snorted, glancing down the table where Jisung, Felix and San had their heads together. 'Yeah. What'd you think?'

'I'm gonna take Felix there. He was on the phone with Jisung for ages last night. Jisung seems really excited.'

'That's good. He got a bit nervous yesterday, especially when--did Felix tell you about the spreader bar?'


'I showed him how to use one, because he asked, and we were just there in the shop, with the lady watching, while I had Jisung cuffed.'

Chan's eyes widened. 'Wow. Are you gonna try stuff this weekend?'

'If he wants to,' Minho said. 'I'd like to, but I just need him to be completely ready. I still worry it's too soon.'

'I know, yeah. I worry about that with Felix. Have you thought about what you're going to do? When you first have kinky sex, I mean.'

'Yeah.' Minho had spent the majority of the morning thinking about it, wanting to ease Jisung into kink gently, but also not wanting to disappoint. He had several scenarios in his head, not knowing whether he wanted to keep it vanilla with a side of kink or go fifty-fifty.

'So have I. I have so much I want to do, I have to reign myself in.'

'Same. I think I'm gonna keep it fairly vanilla, slowly make it kinkier, you know? Ease him in.'

'Yeah, that's good. I'll probably do the same.'

'Hey,' Hyunjin drawled, dragging out the word. He grinned wickedly as he plonked himself down next to Chan. 'Any plans for tonight?'

Minho had told Hyunjin and Seonghwa about the sex shop, and sent pictures of the toys he'd gotten, much to their delight. He'd found out just how kinky Hyunjin was, and Seonghwa had ended up texting him for well over an hour.

'Shut up,' Minho muttered.

Hyunjin smirked. 'Quiet night in, then?' he teased. 'We still have a week before we finish for the winter holidays, don't wanna get too ahead of yourself.'

Chan rolled his eyes. 'You say that like Jeongin doesn't come to school covered in bruises.'

'What? Really?' Minho had never noticed a bruise on Jeongin, but then again, he didn't particularly pay that much attention to him.

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