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The tension between them was palpable.

They'd dressed quickly, emerging from Minho's room with raging hard ons and flushed skin. Jisung's neck was littered in fresh hickies, and Minho kept raking his eyes over him.

They sat on the sofa, Soonie in Jisung's lap, which conveniently hid his boner. Minho had a pillow on his lap, his eyes roaming everywhere.

Jisoo had warmed Minho's mum's dinner up, and now she sat at the table, talking to Minho and Jisung. It was more talking at them, as neither Minho or Jisung was really listening, and Jisoo just smiled at Minho's mum, leaning against the kitchen counter.

'--And then she accidentally kicked me in the stomach when I was trying to help her,' Minho's mum was saying, recounting something that had happened at work.

Minho's mind was elsewhere. His dick ached, his need for Jisung hot under his skin. Jisung inched closer to him, his thigh pressed against Minho's. Minho itched to touch Jisung, pull him into his lap and kiss him senseless. God, the things they could have been doing right now if his mum hadn't called for them.

'Minho,' Jisung murmured, leaning into Minho. Soonie meowed in his lap at both the shift in position and lack of attention.

Minho put a hand on Jisung's thigh, rubbing circles with his thumb. 'I know, sweetheart.' And then, loud enough for his parents to hear, he asked 'Are you tired, sweetheart? Want to go to bed?'

Jisung blinked at him, then understanding dawned. 'Yeah. My eyes hurt.'

'Okay, let’s go.' Minho stood up, reluctantly putting the pillow down. Jisung placed Soonie next to him, scrambling up to follow Minho as he walked as casually as he could to his room, announcing 'We're going to bed, goodnight.' He didn't wait for his parents to acknowledge him, shutting the door behind them quickly.

He turned around to face Jisung. Their eyes locked, a moment of tense silence passing. The air hung heavy between them. They both knew what was going to happen, both wanted it. Their want was plain to see, etched into them, from the twitch of Minho's dick to the hunger in Jisung's eyes.

'Jisung,' Minho breathed, and the moment was broken, like glass shattering, as they collided, mouths pressed together, Jisung's body curving into Minho's. Minho's hands sought Jisung's skin, pressing underneath his hoodie, his mind wild with everything he wanted to do to Jisung, everything he wanted Jisung to do to him.  

Minho broke the kiss to pull Jisung's hoodie off, then his shirt. There were too many layers between them, too much preventing Minho from running his hands, his mouth, over Jisung's entirety. Minho frantically pulled his own hoodie off, his shirt, Jisung's fingers sending little shivers through him as he undid Minho's jeans, pushing them down.

Minho stepped out of his jeans, stood in just his underwear before Jisung. Jisung's eyes raked over him, and Minho flushed under the weight of Jisung's gaze. Jisung bit his lip, and God, Minho wanted to bite that lip too.

Minho hooked his fingers through Jisung's belt loops, pulling him against him. Jisung slid his fingers into Minho's hair, tugging him into a kiss with a groan. Minho stroked his hands down Jisung's back, squeezing his ass before sliding his hand between them to Jisung's front, laying a hand over the bulge in Jisung's jeans.

Minho let out a breathy moan at the feel of Jisung hard beneath his hand. Jisung keened against him, and Minho unzipped Jisung's jeans, tugging them down with his underwear. Jisung kicked his jeans off, pressing himself against Minho again. Minho kissed him, walking him backwards to the bed. The backs of Jisung's knees hit the edge of the bed, and Minho pushed him down.

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