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It was easy to say Minho no longer dreaded after school study. Woojin and his stupid friends snickered when Minho walked past the English classroom into the small room, but he was beyond caring.

He walked in, finding the space next to Jisung empty. 'Aw, did you save me a seat, sweetheart?'

Jisung flushed. 'Maybe.'

Minho's heart swelled. These English lessons were quickly becoming his favourite part of the day. He and Jisung often talked in the few minutes before and after lesson, and with Jisung's guidance, Minho's English was slowly improving.

The lessons didn't drag like they used to. Before he knew it, the lesson was over. As they made their way out, Jennifer hurried over to them. 'Jisungie! How did you find the lesson?'

Jisung glanced at his phone. 'It was fine. I'm sorry, I don't have time right now.'

Jennifer scowled, but quickly formed her lips into a sickly sweet smile. 'That's okay, Sungie. Maybe we could talk properly over coffee sometime?'

'He said he doesn't have time,' Minho snapped. If he hadn't hated her from the instant her met her, he certainly did now. He hated the way she copied Jisung during lessons, he hated the way she was always vying for Jisung's attention. He hated her skirt that was too short and her shirt that was too tight, he hated the smell of dog food that clung to her and her greasy hair. He hated how even after Jisung made it clear he wasn't interested, she still continued.

Jennifer threw a look of disgust at Minho, then stepped closer to Jisung. 'You have time for me, don't you, Sungie?'

'I'm sorry, I really need to go.' Jisung rushed off, and Minho went after him. He caught up with him outside the main entrance.

'Are you okay?' Minho asked.

'Yeah, I just—I really wish she'd get the hint and leave me alone.'

'You could tell the teacher,' Minho offered. They started walking in the direction of the bus stop.

Jisung shook his head. 'No, she's been like that since the first day.'

'Why'd you get put in the small group anyway? I thought it was for the dumb kids.'

'I have anxiety,' Jisung said quietly. 'I don't do well with big groups of people.'

Minho nodded, understanding blooming. He'd never seen Jisung on his own at school, and he didn't go into the food hall every day. 'Well, a better reason than mine. I'm just dumb.'

Jisung laughed. God, Minho really loved that sound. He wanted to make him laugh forever. Jisung nudged his arm. 'Not being good at one thing doesn't make you dumb.'

Minho stepped closer, grasping Jisung's arm gently. Jisung went red, his eyes flicking up to Minho's in surprise. He leaned into Jisung's ear. 'I may not be doing well at school, but I can do you well.' Then he stepped back and grinned. 'Come on, don't wanna miss the bus.'

The rest of the walk to the bus stop was made in relative silence, Minho glancing out the corner of his eye at Jisung, who would be staring back. He'd flush and look away when Minho caught him looking.

The bus was already there, and they quickly boarded, finding seats at the back. Jisung flung himself in the window seat. 'Ha! Claimed it.'

'Maybe this time,' Minho said, looking at him.

'Every time.'

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