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It was one of the longest days of his life. It reminded Minho of the day he and his mum had fled their home with Yoonchun. That had felt like an endless day, a never ending night, filled with social workers and stress and his mum's crying. This was better, because Minho knew he'd come home to a warm bed and his cats, to Jisoo and dinner.

It was the end of the school day when Headteacher Jeon had collected Minho from the tiny room, and escorted him to reception, where his mum had been waiting. His mum had looked pissed, and the bus ride home--because Jisoo was at work with the car--had been silent.

It wasn't until they'd gotten home that his mum spoke. She sighed as she took her shoes off. 'The headteacher rang me to tell me you were being kept in isolation because you'd raped someone, and I needed to pick you up when school finished. What happened today?'

Minho yanked his shoes off. 'The headteacher pulled me out of first period to tell me I've apparently raped someone and they're looking into it. He questioned me, then locked me in a tiny room with nothing to do all day. I wasn't allowed out at break or lunch or to go to the toilet.'

'Have you eaten?' his mum asked sharply.

'Yeah, because I had my packed lunch.'

'Who've you raped?'

'No one! But I think they're implying it's Jisung. But who would tell the school something like that?' Minho asked, picking up Soonie from the sofa. He took a deep breath, inhaling Soonie's scent. Soonie always smelt nice, like warm cat, and he reminded Minho of Jisung.

He hadn't seen Jisung since they'd gotten to school; there was a strange ache in his chest, a hollow feeling. He usually spent break and lunch with Jisung, and several times a week they went to have lunch by themselves. It was a nice routine, and Minho looked forward to seeing Jisung at school.

Balancing Soonie against his shoulder, he pulled his phone out, turning it on to find several notifications. He had texts from Jisung, Chan, Changbin and Seonghwa, all asking where he was and if he was okay.

Minho's mum got up, going to the kitchen to turn the kettle on. 'Want some tea?'

'Yes, please.'

'They can't get you in trouble for something you haven't done, Minho,' his mum said. 'Just--be polite. Answer their questions. You haven't done anything wrong, so you don't have anything to hide. Whoever reported you is a nasty piece of work. Since you don't know who it is, be careful what you say to people.'

'I literally don't talk to anyone outside of the group. The group can't possibly have reported me.'

His mum sighed. 'Maybe not. Have you spoken to Jisung, if you think it's him they say you've raped?'

'No. I haven't seen him all day. But I'll ring him later,' Minho said. He felt disorientated, from being cooped up in that room all day, and now coming home drastically earlier than he normally would. He wanted to ring Jisung now, but he knew he'd be at study.

He shoved his phone away, squeezing Soonie gently. There was nothing he could do but wait, so Minho headed for his bedroom with Soonie.

* * *

Soonie, like always, was great company. He was clingy and attention-seeking, constantly butting against Minho when he wasn't getting enough attention. He was a good distraction, but as Minho returned to his room after dinner, which had been rather tense as Minho explained his day to Jisoo, he felt a bone-deep weariness. He missed Jisung, he wished he'd been in lessons today, he wished he'd seen the group at lunch. He wished he wasn't being punished for something he hadn't done.

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