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Jisung kept close to Minho as they made their way to the park. How much of it was the cold and how much of it was Jisung still in the edges of subspace and needing to be close, Minho didn't know. They crossed the road, walking into the park. Minho led them under a large tree at the edge of the park. It would be colder here than in the Sun, but they'd be protected from the wind and it was as secluded as they were ever going to get in a public park.

Jisung let go of Minho's hand reluctantly. Minho took his backpack off, pulling out the blankets. He spread one out on the floor, and gave the other two to Jisung. Minho sat down, beckoning for Jisung. Jisung sat in his lap, taking out the sandwiches as Minho wrapped the blankets around them. It was colder today than it had been yesterday, the sky a bright, clear blue and an occasional breeze blowing through.

There were loads of people about, couples walking hand in hand or with dogs or having picnics, but Minho had expected it. It was lunch time on Valentine's Day, and everyone seemed to have had the same idea as them. He guaranteed not many of them would be going to a BDSM sex shop afterwards, though.

Jisung let out a little sound as he shifted, and Minho grinned, pressing a kiss to just below Jisung's ear. 'Okay, sweetheart?' he asked.

'Y-Yeah.' Jisung's skin was flushed, and Minho knew it wasn't just from the cold.

'Plug feel okay?' Minho asked quietly, pressing his hand to Jisung's stomach. Knowing no one here, not a single person they walked by, even suspected Jisung was plugged sent a thrill down Minho's spine.

'Yep,' Jisung squeaked. 'Feels--feels different to the one we used before. At Felix's Christmas party.'

'It's bigger. It's not uncomfortable, is it?'

'No.' Jisung passed Minho a sandwich, and for several minutes, they ate in silence. It was more of a quiet, a content moment that didn't need words. A silence was uncomfortable, an awkwardness that needed filling. This wasn't. It never was with Jisung.

When Jisung finished his sandwich, he tucked his head under Minho's chin. 'Can we go once you're done?'

'Of course.' Minho asked, taking his last bite of sandwich. He wondered if Jisung could feel him chewing. 'You okay?'

Jisung whined, his hand curling around Minho's side. Minho wondered if he was still slightly out of it. He stroked his hand down Jisung's back, feeling him shiver beneath his touch. Jisung kept shifting, wiggling his ass so it wasn't pressed against Minho's thigh. He's trying to take the pressure off the plug, Minho realised.

Minho grabbed Jisung's thighs, manhandling him so Jisung was straddling him. Jisung shifted, leaning into Minho's neck. Minho wrapped the blankets tighter around them. 'Is it too much, sweetheart?' he asked softly.

'No,' Jisung mumbled. He pressed closer, his hard on firmly against Minho's hip.

How long had Jisung been hard for? Minho knew Jisung's dick would ache after a while, and he didn't like the thought of Jisung needy and aching for him. 'Shall we go get your collar quickly? Or do you just want to go? We can always get it one day after--'

'No,' Jisung protested. 'No. Let's get it today.' Jisung shifted, pressing his groin against Minho. 'I'm sorry for ruining our picnic.'

'You haven't ruined anything, sweetheart,' Minho cooed. If they'd been in their own private field, on a warmer day away from prying eyes, Minho would have liked to fuck Jisung right here. Honestly, Minho was sure there were condoms in the front compartment of his bag, and they could always just nip into a shop for lube...

Minho forced himself to rein in his thoughts. He was going to make himself hard, and he doubted Jisung wanted to be fucked in a public toilet, and Minho wasn't sure it was even a good idea. He wouldn't be able to give proper aftercare, there was a high chance Jisung would go into subspace... But he could always just stroke Jisung off in a public toilet, take the edge off his need...

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