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Half an hour later, everyone was here. Hyunjin and Jeongin had separated, both talking to different people; Changbin and Yeosang were debating how they'd gaslight fans if they were idols; Wooyoung was studying what looked like BDSM test results on his phone; and Jisung and Felix seemed to be consoling San, who looked like he was in the middle of a crisis.

Then Felix stood up. 'Right, now that everyone's here, I have things planned.'

'Please tell me it's alcohol,' San said. 'I need to be blackout drunk in the next five minutes.'

'That's how you turn into an alcoholic,' Felix said. 'I have, like, different card games I brought from Australia, so I mixed and matched while I was translating it for you.'

Felix plucked a zip lock baggie from the shelf in the cabinet the TV was on. He sat down on floor, tipping the contents of the baggie out. A deck of cards with sticky notes on them tumbled onto the carpet, and Felix began sorting them into piles.

'Okay,' he started. 'This is a mixture of, like, dares, and things from drinking games, that I've chosen, and put onto cards, since the original cards from the games are in English, but also because I've knicked ideas from the Internet.'

'If it's a drinking game, there should be alcohol,' San commented.

'I'm not letting you succumb to the alcohol addiction you're clearly going to grow up to have.'

Wooyoung snorted. San glared at Felix, seeming to ignore Wooyoung.

'Instead of alcohol, we're either gonna drink eggnog or strip.'

'Strip?' Jisung repeated.

'Eggnog?' Jongho asked. 'Is that some Austrialian thing?'

'In lots of English speaking countries, we have a drink called eggnog at Christmas. It has alcohol is in, but it's absolutely horrible, so it's worse than alcohol,' Felix explained.

'Some people like eggnog,' Chan interjected.

'Name one person who likes eggnog.'

'White American suburban mums.'

'Exactly. Normal people don't. Can you get it out the fridge, please?' Felix asked.

Chan got up, disappearing into the kitchen, and returning moments later with a jug of yellowish, creamy looking liquid. It didn't look that bad.

'I think we should sit in a circle on the floor or something,' Chan said, setting the jug in the middle of the circle.

Berry sniffed around the jug, and Chan pulled her away before she could put her face in it.

Minho sat on the floor in front of the sofa, leaning against it. Everyone else followed suit, Jisung fussing about the shape of the cirlce.

'I want this to feel like a fanfic teenage party,' Felix said.

Minho had never really been one to read fanfics, but he knew what Felix meant. All you had to do was watch an American TV show, or search for an American party aesthetic on Pinterest. Minho didn't think it sounded particularly appealing.

San raised his eyebrows. 'What, where we play spin the bottle and fuck in your parents' bedroom?'

'A fanfic party minus the fucking. Anyway.' Felix cleared his throat, placing two stacks of cards in the middle of the circle next to the eggnog. 'Okay. When it's your turn, pick a card up. Doesn't matter which pile. You have to do whatever the card says, okay? But read it out, so we know what it says. Chan goes first.'


'Because I said so. Go on.'

Chan sighed, reaching for a card. '"Close your eyes and lick whatever body part your partner puts in front of you, or drink three times." Why do I feel like you did this on purpose?'

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