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His half seven alarm had been going off for a while, but by now Minho was an expert at sleeping through it.

'Minho!' His mother banged on the door, impatience lacing her voice. 'Lee Minho, get the fuck up, you lazy whore. It's nearly eight!'

Minho groaned, rolling over to aggressively tap the button on his phone, silencing the alarm. 'Calm down, I'm up, I'm up.'

'You better be,' his mum said, 'or you won't get a lift to school. Jisoo leaves at half eight even if she has to drag you in pyjamas.'

'Impatient much?' Minho slowly got out of bed, glancing at his phone. It was ten to eight, which was plenty of time to get ready. It wasn't like he had to choose his clothes. And twenty minutes later, he was downstairs in his uniform, backpack dumped at his feet, leaning against the counter as he rushed his breakfast.

'Ready?' Jisoo asked, placing her cup in the sink.

'We still have twenty minutes, calm the fuck down. Let me eat,' Minho grumbled.

'Someone's grumpy,' Jisoo snickered.

Minho sighed, shoving the last of his kimchi in his mouth. It wasn't that he disliked Jisoo. After his parents divorced three years ago, his mother had come out to him as gay, and several months later she met Jisoo. Minho hadn't met Jisoo until they'd been dating for almost a year, and six months ago Jisoo moved in with them. Since she'd moved in, there'd been a lot more routine.

Jisoo was kind of overprotective, Minho thought, probably scared of losing her newfound little family, and the routine she'd established reflected that. Up by a certain time, all meals eaten together if possible, and a mandatory 'no secrets' rule. Minho could come and go as he pleased, but had to tell his mums where he was going. If he wasn't sleeping at home, he had to tell them. Not that Minho had anywhere other than home to sleep, because he didn't have a boyfriend and he wasn't that close with any of his friends.

'Are you leaving now?' Minho's mum asked, pressing a kiss to Jisoo's cheek. She giggled, wiping off the lipstick she'd smeared on her cheek. Jisoo beamed at her, and pulled her for a real kiss.

Minho looked away, feigning disgust. 'Yuck guys, stop sucking face. Are you taking me to school or what?' He was happy his mum had found love—real love this time—but he really didn't like when they'd make out in front of him.

'Okay, okay, time to go. Bye, my darling. Come on, Minho.'

* * *

Surprisingly, Minho wasn't late, considering they left later than usual. He always hated the franticness of the first day of school, the new kids wandering around like lost puppies and the way everyone alway acted as if this year was going to be the best yet. It never was, and Minho just wanted to get it over with. It was his third and final year, and he couldn't wait to leave.

He slouched through the day, barely even noticing when it was lunch time. Students filed out the classroom, and Minho followed, making a stop at his locker before heading to the food hall. Hyunjin waved him over to a table, shouting his name. A few people glared at Hyunjin, but he was oblivious to them.

Minho sat down, with offering Hyunjin a smile. 'Have a good summer?'

'Oh, yeah! You know Yang Jeongin, that boy I told you about last year? He's in the year below? Well anyway, remember how I got his number at the end of last year? We met up loads over the summer, and we kissed! Like, several times. He's so cute I want to drown myself. I don't know what we are, whether we're boyfriends or what, but yeah. How was your summer?'

'Like usual. I sat in my room with my cats. But I'm happy for you and Jeongin.'

Hyunjin grinned. Then, seeing someone over Minho's shoulder, stood up and started shouting again. 'Changbin! Over here!'

'Hey, guys. How are you?'

'Good! Shall we go get food?' Hyunjin scanned the hall as he got up, pulling Minho and Changbin with him. They were stood in the queue to pay for their food when someone called Hyunjin's name. Hyunjin turned as Jisung flung himself into his arms. 'Jisung! I've missed you.'

'You can't have missed me that much, you were busy with Jeongin all summer,' Jisung teased.

'You're still my favourite. And you'll understand when you fall in love. Ugh, Jisung, he's so cute. I haven't seen him all day, I wonder where he is...'

* * *

Minho couldn't help but feel relieved when lunch ended. As much as he liked Hyunjin, and as happy for him as he was, hearing about Jeongin all lunch was annoying. It made him feel rather single, although he'd never admit it. Ugh, he thought, I still have to go home to my parents and their stupid romance.

Soon, his last lesson ended, and Minho walked to the bus stop with Changbin, grateful Hyunjin wasn't with them. He was tired, hungry and half jealous of Hyunjin; going to after school study really wasn't something he wanted to do. At least today he only had to sign up.

The bus ride to the after school lessons were made in relative silence, save for Changbin offering Minho some of his food. When they arrived, Minho tried to sign up as quickly as possible. He turned on his heel to head back to the bus stop when he crashed into someone. He grabbed them to steady, looking up to see Hyunjin.

'Sorry,' Minho said quickly, but Hyunjin flashed him a smile. Jisung stood just behind Hyunjin, and grabbed his shoulder to pull him away from Minho.

'Don't worry, Minho,' Jisung said. 'Come on, Hyunjin.' They started to walk away, but Jisung looked over his shoulder. He smiled, waving at Minho. Minho waved back, smiling at the cute gesture. Jisung only smiled wider, before looking back in the direction he was going.

He didn't know why, but Minho found himself watching Jisung's back, as he got further away from him. When Minho lost him in the crowd of people all signing up to lessons, he left for home, smiling to himself when he thought of Jisung's smile.

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