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Changbin settled back into the group like there had never been an argument, like he had never been gone from the group. Felix had either moved on from the argument or forgiven Changbin, and acted like nothing had happened; the rest of the group followed. No matter what people thought of the argument or Changbin, the group collectively accepted that it was only really Felix who could forgive Changbin.

They'd been back at school for two weeks now, and they'd fallen back into their routines. Except for Jennifer, who still didn't seem to have made any friends. She followed San around, flirting outrageously with everyone in the group.

'It's because it's February,' San said at break. Jennifer had gone to get food with Felix and Jisung. 'She romanticises February because of Valentine's Day. She wants a boyfriend she can spent it with, you know?'

'Yeah, but you can't force that,' Seonghwa said. 'You can't try and get a boyfriend last minute just because you want some roses.'

'Valentine's Day is this Sunday, isn't it?' Jongho asked.

'Yeah,' Seungmin said, a strain to his voice.

Minho didn't understand how Jongho could just spend so much time pining after Mingi without doing anything about it. But he didn't understand the strain in Seungmin's voice, either, because as far as Minho was aware, Seungmin didn't have his eye on anyone.

'Jongho needs to ask Mingi out,' Changbin mumbled to Minho. 'Otherwise Mingi will find someone else and Jongho will have lost his chance.'

'Yeah, but asking someone out this close to Valentine's Day's a bit stupid,' Minho said. 'Imagine if your anniversary is Valentine's, and then you break up. Valentine's Day is now ruined for you.'

Changbin cast a side-long glance at Minho. 'Bit pessimistic.'

'And? It's true. It's like asking someone out on your birthday, or a holiday, or a big event.'

'When's your anniversary? With Jisung?'

'First of October.' At least Minho thought so. It had been when he'd gone to Jisung's flat and made out with him, and they'd been practically inseparable since then. And Minho had literally sucked Jisung's dick the day after, and then at Chan's birthday, they'd told the group they were together. So surely the first of Ocotober had to be their anniversary? Maybe Minho should ask Jisung.

'Oh. Really? You've only been together four months?'

'I know, it feels like we've been together forever. I mean, like I know we haven't, but--'

'No, I know what you mean,' Changbin said, sadness tinting his voice.

Minho wondered if he was thinking of Felix. 'Did--did it feel like that for you? Over the summer?'

Changbin looked away, watching as Felix, Jisung, and Jennifer came back. 'Yeah,' he said finally. 'I met Felix at the party, and by the end of the night, I felt like I was meant to meet him. And then when we got to know each other, it was like I'd known him forever.'

Minho recalled what Chan had told him just after the fight, about Changbin still not being over Felix after all these months. How long had Chan said? Five months. 'Is that why it was so hard to get over him?'

'Yeah,' Changbin said. 'But I think it's also because Felix was my first love. I don't think I'll ever forget what Felix meant to me.'

'Are you over him now?' The moment the words were out Minho's mouth, he realised how insensitive they sounded. 'Sorry, that's--'

'It's fine. And yeah, I am now. It was Kibum, actually, who helped me get over him.'

'Kibum?' Minho had heard the name before, but he couldn't remember why.

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