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Minho shivered, shoving his hands in his pockets. His heart beat erratically; now that the time to finally talk to Yoonbum had come, Minho hadn't actually wanted to get out of bed this morning, and he definitely didn't want to be here now, sat shivering on a park bench as he waited for Yoonbum.

'Minho,' a voice called.

Minho twisted around, to see Yoonbum walking up behind him. Yoonbum looked exactly the same, his black, floppy hair in his eyes and he didn't look like he'd gotten any taller, either. He was still the five foot two twink Minho had known back in First Grade.

But he looked different, too. There was more confidence in his walk, his shoulders relaxed and head up, which hugely juxtaposed the way Minho remembered him, shoulders hunched and head down as he tried to make himself as small as possible.

He was even more attractive than Minho remembered. But Minho felt the same way he did when he saw an attractive stranger, or when Jisung showed him attractive idols. Yoonbum was attractive, yes, but Minho wasn't attracted to him in the slightest.

It was strange, the way it all felt. It was like rewatching a programme you hadn't seen in years, that had once been your comfort programme, but now meant nothing to you other than a reminder of the significance it had once had to you.

'Yoonbum,' Minho said. 'Hi.'

Yoonbum sat down on the bench next to Minho and smiled. 'Hi.'

Yoonbum looked small now, swallowed up by the trench coat that was several sizes too big and definitely wasn't his.

Minho wondered if Yoonbum thought the same thing about him, if he thought that he'd changed but also hadn't, if he picked up on the hoodie being Jisung's.

'So,' Yoonbum began. 'How are you? How's Jisung?'

Although San had said he was friends with Yoonbum and had been for years, Minho was still surprised that Yoonbum knew about Jisung. But San probably spoke to Yoonbum about all his other friends.

'I'm good, and so is Jisung. Yeah, we're good,' Minho said, unsure of what to say. He didn't quite know where he stood, and on what terms they were talking. As exes? As friends? As strangers? As friends of San?

'That's good. I know Jisung probably worries about you seeing me.'

'He, um, doesn't actually know I'm here.' Jisung had rang Minho last night as promised, and Minho hadn't found the opportunity to mention Yoonbum. He'd just tell him tonight, after his conversation with Yoonbum. At least then Jisung couldn't worry about what would be said or what would happen.

'Oh. I told my boyfriend, although he's not particularly happy.'

'Your boyfriend,' Minho repeated. 'Is that his coat?'

Yoonbum grinned. 'Yeah. I steal all of Sangwoo's clothes.'

'Me too. Well, Jisung's,' Minho said. He felt so fucking awkward, and wondered if Yoonbum could tell, if he could hear it in his voice.

'Yeah.' Yoonbum pressed a hand to his throat, before wedging it between his thighs. 'So. You wanted to talk.'

'Yeah, I just--the break up--' Minho faltered. He pulled the sleeves of the hoodie over his hands, glad he'd worn Jisung's hoodie. He didn't feel right being here with Yoonbum without something of Jisung's with him. It almost felt like cheating, although Minho knew it wasn't.

He took a deep breath. 'What happened, Yoonbum? What happened at the end?' Minho asked, keeping his eyes in his lap.

'I dropped, you know? But I thought I was being too clingy, that you'd leave me because I was being annoying and attention seeking. Because I did feel better, when you were with me, when you stayed at mine. Then you left and went back to school and it kind of all went to shit.'

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