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Despite Yoonchun and Nayeon having heard Minho crying last night, they were now acting like nothing had happened. Yoonchun was at home albeit it being Monday, which made Minho question whether his dad had taken the day off or was working from home. He wanted to say the latter since Yoonchun had never taken a day off work in his life, but Minho wouldn't have been surprised if Yoonchun had taken the day off. He was different with Nayeon.

Minho didn't know if they'd heard what he'd said to Jisung last night or if they'd just heard him sobbing, but either way, they didn't seem to have an issue with they way they were treating him.

Minho had gotten up at five AM again, to text Jisung I love you in Japanese, brush his teeth and sit on his floor to eat the last of his snacks. And it was a good thing he had, since Nayeon had decided he wasn't even allowed food this morning. She'd pulled the table into the middle of the room, sat him down with a black coffee, and disappeared back into the kitchen with a sickly smile.

Minho's stomach rumbled, and he sipped at the coffee with a grimace. It was luke warm and bitter, not even half as good as Jisoo's coffee. But he'd been left alone, Nayeon and Yoonchun in the kitchen. They hadn't shut any of the doors, so he had a clear view of them. He could hear them, too, just like before, and Minho was almost certain they did it on purpose.

'...Spoke to Father Seunghyun,' Yoonchun was saying, his body pressed to Nayeon's back, his arms on her waist as she stood at the hob. 'Rang me last night, told me Minho ran off after admitting he's a fag.'

Minho froze, watching them with wide eyes. They'd heard him crying, they knew he'd ran out of church, and they knew he was gay. Minho swallowed thickly, digging his nails into his thigh. What would Yoonchun do? Minho knew he'd punish him; Yoonchun had always punished him the moment he disobeyed, even over ridiculous things, like when Minho had refused to hold a hot pan straight from the oven when he was nine.

Nayeon gasped. 'Really? He ran out of church? He walked out on Father Seunghyun? The audacity. How disrespectful.'

'Faggots are Satanists, remember, Nay. They don't give a shit about God's word.'

'You did say Minho's never been to church,' Nayeon said, reaching up to feed Yoonchun a small bite of whatever she was cooking. 'His mother probably never let him, though. It's not his fault. That bitch took your son from you and brainwashed him with her gay propaganda.'

Yoonchun growled something incomprehensible, and Nayeon giggled, pushing back against him. Minho screwed his nose up, disgusted. He was so sick of Nayeon and Yoonchun being so Goddamn touchy and feely. He wished Nayeon would stop giggling, wished Yoonchun would stop being so nice to her and acting like he cared.

Yoonchun laid his hands on Nayeon's stomach, rubbing large circles that made her lean her head back against him. It wasn't the first time Yoonchun had touched her stomach like that, and Minho wondered if she was pregnant, despite how much she went on about not having premarital sex.

Minho nearly snorted at the thought. Yoonchun, a Christian but not in practice, and Nayeon, a devout Christian who followed the Bible too literally, were a strange couple. Nayeon had gotten Yoonchun to go to church and he'd mellowed out her religious zeal. It was like some sort of compromise.

But if Nayeon was pregnant, Minho wondered if she and Yoonchun would get married. Minho couldn't imagine Nayeon compromising to raise a child with unmarried parents.

Several moments later, they finished in the kitchen, Nayeon and Yoonchun coming back into the living room with steaming plates of food. Minho's mouth watered, his stomach rumbling. But he didn't dare ask for anything; he knew what the answer would be, and it would only anger Nayeon and Yoonchun.

On Track | MINSUNGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz