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'We didn't turn the playlist on,' Jisung said.

It was nearly twelve in the afternoon, Minho having just woken up. His dick was still inside Jisung, and he had to admit he really liked waking up so close to Jisung like this. 'That's okay. We still have tomorrow.'

'Mm,' Jisung agreed. 'Can we still do something today? We still have the rest of the afternoon.'

'What do you want to do?' Minho asked. He had no issue with going out and doing things, but he liked lying here with Jisung. When they cuddled like this, time was a strange sludge that seemed to slow down but pass by in a blur. It was like Minho lost sense of reality, like the world in his mind became a temporary reality; just Minho and Jisung, safe from anything that could hurt them.

But currently, Minho wasn't even sure Jisung should be going out. Jisung had slipped into subspace quicker than he ever had before, and he'd clearly been very deep in it. He'd barely even noticed the blindfold. And, Minho realised as guilt swooped into his stomach, he hadn't asked Jisung the questions he normally did to ease Jisung out of subspace. He shouldn't have just expected a nap to take Jisung out of subspace, expected for Jisung to wake up perfectly fine.

'Jisung, are you sure you feel up to doing anything?' Minho asked, curling his hand over Jisung's stomach.

'Yeah, I'm fine.'

'Are you sure? Don't push yourself, we always have tomorrow. You were really deep in subspace...'

Jisung was quiet for a moment. 'I was on the edge of subspace all morning. I don't know how, but I dreamt about you last night, and then when I woke up I was just thinking about you, and I just seemed to... It's like I was in subspace but not quite, and I don't even know how I got there.'

'You should have told me, sweetheart,' Minho said softly. Jisung had mentioned once that he felt far away in subspace, and Minho didn't like the thought of Jisung lying awake feeling far away and lonely.

'I don't know. I didn't know how, and you were still asleep, and the longer I laid there the closer I got to subspace, and--and--' Jisung fell silent. 'I don't know,' he repeated. 'Maybe I need to talk to San and Felix, but I just--it was weird, and I was almost panicking, but not quite because I can't panic in subspace, and I just...'

Jisung pressed back against Minho, and Minho squeezed him, kissing his shoulder. 'When you woke up, I just really wanted you,' Jisung whispered.

'All you have to do is tell me,' Minho murmured. 'Whenever you want me, whenever you're slipping into subspace, whenever you want to be in subspace... Just tell me, my sweet.'

Jisung put his hand over Minho's on his stomach. 'Okay,' Jisung whispered. 'I will.'

They lapsed into a quiet, Minho listening to Jisung's breathing. Jisung shifted, his hips moving so Minho's dick slid out of him and then slid back into him. Minho bit his lip, his arms tightening around Jisung to hold him still.

'We should go for a walk.' Jisung said, twisting to face Minho as much as he could. 'Walk around the neighbourhood with mugs of coffee.'

'With mugs of coffee?' Minho repeated. That was such a strange request Minho wondered if Jisung had seen it somewhere.

'Yeah, because it feels illegal. But it's not, so we should do it. And we should go to the park.'

'That's a really long walk, sweetheart,' Minho said.

'Not the one in town, the one here. If you turn right at the end of my road, there's a weird little park at the end.'

'It'll probably be filled with loads of kids at this time.' If there was one thing Minho didn't like, it was kids. They were stupid and loud and had no common sense or grip on reality.

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