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Minho was shaken awake by Jisung.

'Minho, Minho,' Jisung repeated, shaking his shoulder.

Minho rubbed his eyes, forcing himself to focus. He looked at Jisung, who was leaning over him with wide eyes. His heart skipped a beat. Had something happened? 'Jisung, what's wrong? What's happened?'

'I didn't feel right,' Jisung said, as if that explained everything.

'Didn't feel right? When? Do you feel okay now?'

'Yeah, I feel okay now, but during--earlier, when we went to sleep, and before that, when you were fucking me, I didn't feel right.'

Minho sat up, relaxing. Jisung was talking about subspace, he realised. 'How did you feel, sweetheart?'

'Like--floaty. Like nothing was real apart from you and me. You felt really far away. It was weird, my brain was--soupy? Like, foggy?'

Minho nodded. Yeah, that had definitely been subspace. 'Could you feel any pain?'

Jisung shook his head, his cheeks flushing. 'No, everything just felt--good. Really good.'

Minho grinned at him. 'What you've just described to me, that's a state of mind called subspace. It's a headspace subs reach when they're really deep in their submission. It's nothing to worry about, it's very normal.'

'Then why did you ask if I felt pain?'

'Because you took four fingers, which you've never done before. And while you didn't seem to be in any pain, I still didn't want to hurt you. Are you sore?'

Jisung frowned. 'I don't think so? Did I really take four fingers?'

Minho smiled at him fondly. 'Yeah. You were so good for me.'

Jisung flushed, leaning into Minho. 'Shut up. What time is it? Do we have to get ready yet?'

Minho grabbed his phone. It was gone twelve, but there was a notification telling him the alarm he'd set was due to go off soon. He cancelled the alarm, putting his phone down and wrapping an arm around Jisung.

'We still have a while, sweetheart. It's not even one, yet. We can cuddle for longer, if you want.'

'Mm,' Jisung agreed, snuggling closer.

Minho really did love him post-sex, when Jisung was all soft and cuddly. Minho ran his hands over Jisung's skin, down his spine, over the supple flesh of his ass.

His fingers brushed over the plug, making Jisung shift closer and reminding Minho that it was there.

'Does it feel okay?' Minho murmured.

Jisung nodded against his chest. 'Mm. Feels fine. But I'm hungry. And where are the cats? Can they come back in?'

* * *

Several hours later, they stood outside Chan's front door. Minho shivered, pressing himself against Jisung. Jisung tilted his head to let Minho nuzzle against his neck, and Minho snaked his arms around Jisung's waist, holding him close.

'I wonder why he's taking so long to answer the door,' Jisung mused.

'Probably upstairs with Felix. We did get here a bit early.'

'It's only six minutes to four,' Jisung said, ringing the doorbell again.

After a few moments, the door opened. Chan grinned at them. 'Sorry it took me a while, I was feeding the dog.'

He stepped back to let them in. Minho let go of Jisung, following him in.

'Where's Felix?' Jisung asked, yanking his shoes off.

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