Chapter 42

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After the two-day exam was over, Xue Yingshuang, who had been preparing for the exam for several days, was finally able to breathe a little.

The week of the exam, they all ordered takeaway for breakfast. Therefore, the day after the exam, Xue Yingshuang got up early to prepare a hearty breakfast, and wanted to thank Teacher Xing and Teacher Bai for their careful teaching.

However, when the meal was ready, Xing Yun hadn't gotten up yet. What was even more strange was that Bai Qianyi, who always got up early, hadn't left the room, and the room was very quiet.

Xue Yingshuang planned to call Xing Yun to get up and eat first, but before he entered the master bedroom, he heard the door open. Looking back, Xing Yun walked into the house.

"Are you awake?" Xue Yingshuang said, "Then I'll ask Mr. Bai to go."

Xing Yun took off his jacket and said, "No need to call, he's back, I just sent him to the plane."

Xue Yingshuang was taken aback: "So? Suddenly?"

Xing Yundao: "He won't tell you anymore, for fear of affecting your exam. It's okay if you don't go. He cried so badly at the airport just now that he was like a young international student going abroad for the first time."

Xing Yun still had lingering fears when he thought of that scene. At first, Bai Qianyi said with a normal face, "Go back to work hard", but in the next second, his tears rolled and he started to cry. He cried with snot and tears, and kept saying "I? go back to work".

Xing Yun was frightened by his situation, but told him "why resign", he also said that he had to work hard like Xue Yingshuang... Finally, he walked into the security gate with tears on his face.

Xue Yingshuang nodded: "Is that so, then I cooked too much breakfast."

On the first day that Bai Qianyi left, the dinner table was much deserted without the bickering between Xing Yun and Bai Qianyi, and the "Mr. Bai" of Xue Yingshuang.

Xing Yun saw that Xue Yingshuang said less, and said, "If you really miss him, I can arrange for you to go abroad to find him to play with."

Xue Yingshuang shook his head: "It's not that I miss it, I just feel a little regretful."

Bai Qianyi is knowledgeable and elegant, although he is stubborn, he is warm and kind. If it wasn't for Xingyun, he would never have known such a person in his life.

Bai Qianyi's parents have moved abroad, so Bai Qianyi rarely returns to China. When he returns to China next time, Xue Yingshuang may also end his relationship with Xing Yun.

Therefore, Xue Yingshuang understood that the good night exchange before going to bed last night might be the last time he and Bai Qianyi met in this life. Thinking of it this way, he could not help but feel regret.

However, Xue Ying's double adjustment was quick, and it was fine after breakfast.

The days are still to come, it is already a blessing for him to know Bai Qianyi once, what else can he ask for?

However, when Xue Yingshuang was about to clean up the guest room that Bai Qian had used after breakfast, he found a card for him on the table.

On the card, Bai Qian and Yi Junxiu's handwriting reads: "Xue Yingshuang, I wish you everything from now on? Go well, get better and better! What's the matter? Be sure to come to me and don't cut off contact!"

The final signature is "your friend Bai Qianyi".

In the guest room, Xue Yingshuang held the card and laughed alone.

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