Journey to the Snowcano

Start from the beginning

"Eugene! That was not cool." Ryu says to him.

"What do you mean? They're gone, right?" Eugene asks, confused and not understanding what the problem was. "My plan worked." he tells him.

"You call that a plan?" D'Angelo asks him in confusion.

"Yeah. You know, flush out the other one that... we didn't know was there." Eugene explains with a laugh, trying to justify himself.

He then pops his lips and finger guns Ryu

"You're just lucky that Jun, Wu & Wei saved your butt." Ryu counters, first gesturing to him and then to Jun, Wu & Wei. Otherwise, you would have been a pile of ash." he adds.

"And then the secret would be as good as out." Tom explains to him seriously.

Wu & Wei suddenly snarl and growl before they let out a quiet grumbles

"You two okay?" Jun asks her dragon worriedly. "I think they might have hurt themselves." she tells the group looking at them.

"You sure?" Ryu asks her as he & D'Angelo walk up to her. "They've run out of mist breath before." he informs her. "Remember that time with the forest fire & the Flood Fangs?" he reminds her.

Wu & Wei cough and grumble again

"I know, but not like this." Jun replies. "They're coughing." she states.

Wu & Wei snοrt softly

"What do you think, D?" Ryu asks him.

D'Angelo approaches Wu & Wei and looks them over

"I'm sure they'll be fine." he says, petting Wei's head. "Probably just a sprain or something." he hypothesizes.

Wei grumbles softly at him

"Let's get back to the lair, get them some rest." D'Angelo says to the group.

Wu lets out a weak snarl as Jun puts her head against his, making Wu grumble softly, followed by a weak growl

*Everyone was now back at the Dragon's Lair*

Ryu was sitting down on the bottom step of the rock formation, flipping through the pages of the book he found in the capsule. Thunder was on the step above him, looking at the book as well. He sees some info about the Whispering Death & the Monstrous Nightmare on the left page he's on, and something about the Snaptrapper, the Skrill and another dragon he can't really make out on the right page. He flips the right page to go to the next page and he sees drawings of a group of people

 He flips the right page to go to the next page and he sees drawings of a group of people

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"I wonder if Ryu & I are related to any of these people." Tom suddenly says, seeing the drawings.

Tom can be seen standing on Ryu's left

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