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I wake up in the middle of the night to Y/N climbing out of bed and waddling to the bathroom. She's due to give birth literally any second, so any time she moves at all, I'm on high alert. I sit up in bed and check the time, 6:38 AM. I've effectively been on paternity leave from all of my projects for the past few days in preparation for Y/N going into labor. That just means all of my projects have been pushed back, and I truly don't care. I've never been more excited for something.

Y/N returns a few minutes later and smiles when she sees that I'm awake.

"Hi, babe. Did I wake you?" She stands at the edge of the bed and stretches her back.

"Yes, but I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine." She smiles. "Oh, forgot my water." She walks back into the bathroom, where I hear a splash of water on the floor.

"Did you spill?" No response. "Y/N? Let me wipe it up–"

"Tommy?" Her voice is barely a whisper. I jump out of bed and run into the bathroom to find Y/N standing over a puddle of murky liquid, eyes wide. "My water broke."

"Holy shit." I smile wide. "Let's fucking go!" I shout. I wrap an arm around her and guide her into our bedroom so I can grab our hospital bags.

"Fuck," she groans. I turn to her and she is rubbing her belly and wincing. "These contractions wasted no time."

"I'm sorry, love. We'll get you to the hospital so they can take care of you." I'm running around our room like a chicken with its head cut off. "Okay, this is everything." I kneel in front of her and grab both of her hands. "Are you ready to have a baby?" I grin.

"Abso-fucking-lutely." She smiles back and squeezes my hands. I lean up and kiss her, and then her belly.

"Let's go." We make our way to the car, stopping every few feet so Y/N can breathe through her contractions. I'm basically holding her entire weight. She can hardly talk through the pain. Once I get her in the car and belted in, I throw our bags in the back and ensure the car seat is ready to go. "I have to call my parents so they can care for Tessa." I say as we pull out of the driveway. Y/N just nods, wincing. I find my mom's contact in my phone and press the call button, the ringing playing through my car's speakers.

"Hello? Tom? Is everything okay?" She is concerned.

"Everything is fine," I start. "Y/N's water broke. We're on our way to the hospital. We need you and dad to take Tessa." I am speeding to get to the hospital as soon as we can. Y/N is groaning in the passenger seat.

"Oh, how wonderful! Y/N, darling, just try to breathe through it." I can hear her running around the house. "Dominic, wake up!"

"I'll call you when we're settled, okay?"

"Okay, darling. I love you both."

"We love you, too."

Once the phone call ends, Y/N groans loudly and shifts in her seat.

"Please tell me we're almost there," she whines. "I need medication NOW."

"Be there shortly, my love." I offer my hand and she takes it, nearly crushing it in the heat of her pain. "I'm sorry I can't do more."

"You're doing everything you can." She says, releasing my hand once her contraction is over. "Can you call my mum?"


"Tommy?" Sue says the second she picks up. "Is everything okay?"

"Y/N's water broke. We're on our way to the hospital. She wanted to call you to let you know."

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now