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I pull up to Y/N's flat and walk up to the front door, walking inside and right up to her door. I know it's open. She always leaves it open. Sometimes I think she leaves it open on purpose just to irritate me. This time, though, when I twist the handle, the door is locked. Ah, good girl. I knock a few times and hear her footsteps approaching before the door is unlocked and opened in front of me.

"Locked this time I see," I wink as I walk inside.

"Just to make you happy, Tommy!" I roll my eyes. She only calls me that to annoy me.

"You about ready, darling?" She's running back and forth between her bedroom and her bathroom. "Need some help?" I walk into her bedroom and sit on her bed as she runs around and throws things into an overnight bag.

"No, I'm ready." She zips up her bag and smiles at me. "I was promised coffee and snacks."

"Not even happy to see me?" I roll my eyes. "In the car, love."

"I just saw you this morning, dork," She slips her shoes on and raises an eyebrow. I fake a frown and she laughs. "I'm always happy to see you, Tommy."

"Sure, you are." I grab her bag and gesture for her to walk out of the room. "Go on, then."

We walk outside to my car and I throw Y/N's bag in the back with my things. I quickly open her door for her and walk around to the driver's side. By the time I'm sitting in my seat, she's already got her coffee in hand.

"How did you know my order?"

"I pay attention. And I asked Jane." She belly laughs. I love her laugh. "Ready to be pampered?"


The drive to our hotel in London is about an hour with London traffic. Typically, a car service picks me up and drives me to the hotel and to and from the party, but I prefer driving and I didn't want Y/N to think I was over the top. Granted, I think that line will be crossed when we attend the party together. And when she sees the gowns that Law has picked out for her. Don't get me wrong, Law and I are good friends, but I know he's way more excited to meet Y/N today than he is to see me. He's been waiting for me to have a partner-type person for years, so when I told him I needed options for Y/N tonight, it was a big deal for him. I guess for me, as well. I've never brought an actual date to a red carpet event before.

"So you're sure I won't need to answer questions tonight?"

"Yes, darling. I'm sure." I place my free hand on her leg and squeeze. "I will steer us far away from anyone wanting to talk to you. Or me, for that matter."

She's quiet today. I'm trying my best to make this as stress-free as possible, so hopefully, the pampering before the party will help ease her nerves about tonight. I don't want her worrying about anything but looking her best.

"Hi, Mr. Holland," the valet driver smiles at me as I get out of my car and hand him my keys. "I'll take good care of the Porsche, sir." A Mr. Holland and a sir? Man, I'm way too young for that.

"Please, call me Tom," I say as I open Y/N's door for her. "Ready, darling?" I grab our bags from the back and nod toward the hotel lobby.

"Yes," she reaches her hand out. "Let me take my bag." I sling her bag across my body.

"Nope, I've got it." I place my free hand on her back and guide her inside, away from the cameras clicking across the street. "You've had quite the introduction to my paparazzi friends the last few weeks." She laughs quietly as we step into the elevator. I can tell she's overwhelmed. To be fair, I understand why.

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now