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Being on a photo shoot set with Tom is ... weird. Not a bad weird, but weird. I kinda like it, though. I like watching him work with the staff and photographers. He makes the energy on set really fun. Everyone is constantly laughing and generally having a good time. It also helps that I've seen him shirtless about a dozen times today. He's making it incredibly hard to not like him. He treats everyone so well – you always hear about celebrities being absolute nightmares to work with, but it seems that everything about Tom being the nicest person ever is completely true.

I've really enjoyed everyone I have met so far. Tom wasn't kidding when he said he has a really great team behind him. Everyone has been way too nice to me. I have to admit, I expected to get a lot of cold shoulders while I was here. If anything, everyone has been more interested in me than in Tom. I hope that doesn't have anything to do with the fact that we've been in about a dozen gossip articles saying we're together. Which, isn't totally untrue. Our situation is... complicated.

I'm still really confused about everything between me and Tom. We haven't talked about him randomly telling me he loved me, and he hasn't asked me how I feel. I think that's coming from his fear of not wanting to back me into a corner, which I do appreciate. I feel like I haven't had any time to really figure out what is going on with me and my feelings. If Tom's plan was to bring me here and impress me with his professionalism, it's working.

Tom is in the middle of his last few shots for the shoot. He's in a classic tuxedo – similar to the one he wore on his birthday – and his tie is untied. He is pretending to tie the tie over and over for the last few shots, which is ironic since he doesn't actually know how to tie a tie. Maybe I should teach him one of these days. His curls are flopping in his face perfectly. Weird feelings aside, he is actually really beautiful.

Fangirls (and boys), I get it.

"And that's a wrap! Thank you, everyone!" There is applause and Tom is swept away to be taken out of his fancy clothes. The chaos of this morning returns as everyone begins cleaning up and preparing for their next assignment. I sort of just stand around awkwardly as I wait for Tom to return from the abyss he was taken to. I just don't really know what to do with myself. I feel really out of place without Tom next to me, which has never been the case before.

"Ready to go, my love?" My love. Tom is pulling his hoodie over his head. His curls are still floppy and a little wild. I like his hair like this.

"Yes, I'm ready." He smiles and grabs my hand. He once again leads me through the chaos, saying his goodbyes to everyone as we pass by. Again, he is so incredibly nice.

"Ah, thank you, mate," Tom greets the valet driver, who has his car waiting for us when we walk outside, and trades his keys for some cash. He already tipped him when we arrived. Again. Incredibly nice. It's enough to make someone (me) swoon.

The drive back to my flat is quiet. Not an awkward quiet, but quiet. Tom has his free hand on my thigh as we drive. It makes me feel tingly. This is completely new territory for us, and it's terrifying if I'm honest. I just don't know what to make of all of this. I'm honestly waiting for us to get into another fight that sets us back five steps. It's exhausting.

"Did you enjoy yourself today, darling?" He squeezes my thigh and diverts my attention back to him.

"I did, actually." He smiles. "It was fun seeing you in your element. Your modeling career is surely about to take off." I joke.

"Ha, very funny," he shakes his head.

"Honestly," I turn to him. "It was really fun. I loved seeing how nice you were to everyone." He laughs. "Low bar, I know."

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now