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I'm sitting in the auditorium with my friends, anxiously awaiting our turn to be called up on stage. Luckily, Ph.D. and Master's programs get called first, so we don't have to wait too long. We've spent all morning taking pictures and reminiscing on our time in our program. Of course, we all went out last night, so I'm a little hungover, but I feel like that's a rite of passage at any college graduation.

Jane has been texting me all morning trying to keep my spirits up since I broke up with Jack. Honestly, I feel like I should be more upset, but I really don't feel that bad. I'm more nervous that he's gonna act a fool like he did at the pub and when we broke up. I want tonight and this weekend to go as smoothly as possible. Plus, now that I don't have an annoying boyfriend breathing down my neck, I can get as drunk and as loud as I want to!

I feel a buzz in my hand, my phone screen lighting up to reveal Tom's name. We're really setting a record for our text numbers.


Happy graduation. You're smarter than I'll ever be. See you Saturday.


Thank you! Smarter AND prettier. Come out for a drink later. Ben will tell you the details.


Ah, got me there! Sounds fun. I'll text him.

I mean, why not? Maybe now that Jack is out of the picture, we can be civil. I know Ben will want him there, so might as well make it easy.

Before I know it, my friends and I are standing and walking to the stage to receive our degrees.

"Y/N Walker, Doctor of Educational Psychology." I shake hands with our dean and hold my degree in my hand, cameras flashing. I hear my family clapping and shouting, Jane's whistling ringing in my ears.

"Thank you," I smile and walk off the stage, joining my classmates in hugging our professors and each other. Thank God it's finally over.

"I need a shot and a drink RIGHT now," I say, walking into the pub holding my cap and gown, and limping from the heels I wore to graduation. "That ceremony was WAY too long." I throw my things on one of the tables we've reserved in the garden of our local pub.

"Already on it, babe," Jane hands me a shot and a cocktail with a smile. "Congratulations, bitch!" We clink our glasses and throw our heads back, the tequila burning my throat immediately. Jane and her damn tequila. "Food will be out soon. Sit down and relax." Jane skips off to the bar, presumably to order another drink, and I sit down with a sigh.

Celebrations start instantly. I swear I drink 3 cocktails in one hour. I have never felt so relieved and excited about anything in my life. And, honestly, it's so much more fun without Jack here. I feel like I can actually have fun.

"Well, someone is having fun," I hear Tom's voice behind me as I'm playing quarters with some of my friends and family. It's our favorite bar drinking game. I turn around and see Tom standing with flowers in his hands, an awkward smile on his face. "Congratulations."

"Thank you, Tom!" I stand up and wrap him in a hug, the alcohol clearly making me friendlier than normal. I step back and he holds the flowers out toward me.

"These are for you, to add to your collection," he nods toward my growing pile of flowers. "You'll have a greenhouse by Saturday, I'm sure." He smiles.

"Thank you, they're beautiful. You didn't have to bring me anything." I grab the flowers and place them on the pile. I don't think I have enough vases for all of these. "Grab a drink, you've gotta catch up!"

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now