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Tom lays me on my bed and hovers over me, the sunlight behind him making him look like an actual God. His curls are flopping over his eyes, so I brush them away. I secretly hope he keeps his hair long. He never lets his hair get long enough for the curls to let loose.

He runs his hands through my hair and kisses me again. Considering Tom's strength, he is very gentle when he wants to be. He slips his hand under my shirt and feels for my bra – like I'd wear a bra to bed – and he shivers when he makes the connection that I'm not wearing one. His lips are on my neck as he lifts my shirt up, sitting me up and looking at me for a moment.

"Is this okay?"


He lifts my shirt over my head and I suddenly feel self-conscious. I mean, it's Tom. I've barely worn a bathing suit around him let alone just my underwear. All I can do is trace the indents in his torso and stare at him. He's literally one of the most beautiful men I've ever seen. His eyes are dark now – the energy in the room is supercharged. There will be no interruptions, no pauses, nothing. I feel like we're the only two people on the planet.

He leans down and kisses me, his tongue grazing both of my lips before he wraps his arms through my legs and pulls me to the edge of the bed. I gasp as my ass reaches the edge, my head spinning in circles. He moves me around like I'm no heavier than a doll. I sit up and I'm met with his bare chest and it takes everything in me not to lick him. I could actually lick his bare chest like an ice cream cone. He stands over me and lifts my chin with his index finger, brushing my hair away from my face. His eyes, while always a dark brown, are nearly black. I can only imagine what mine look like.

Something inside me has been wondering what Tom was like in bed – I've seen him on dates, acting gentlemanly and chivalrous, but I know he's much different in this context. I'm only slightly overwhelmed – I mean, it's not like I've never had sex before... but I know Tom is far more experienced and confident in what he's doing. But, I feel comfortable with him. I trust him.

He leans down far enough that our noses are touching. "I love you." He whispers. His finger is still underneath my chin. I lean forward to kiss him but he pulls back and smirks at me. His other hand tickles the skin above my underwear. "Still okay?" All I can do is nod.

My underwear is off and Tom is gently pushing me back against the bed. He kisses me for not nearly long enough and then his lips are on my chest, my stomach, my thighs. Kissing, biting, licking. It's sending shockwaves through my body. To be honest, it's never felt like this with anyone I've ever been with. I don't want it to end.

Tom is good. He knows exactly what he's doing. The first time you sleep with someone is usually so awkward. You're fumbling around, trying to figure out what the other person likes, still trying to fall into a rhythm. I guess the upside of sleeping with someone you've known your whole life is that you already know them well enough to already be past the awkward stage. It's relieving.

I'm drenched with sweat as he traces patterns on me with his tongue that I have never felt before. I'm gripping onto his hair so hard, I may rip every beautiful curl right out of his scalp. And I won't even care. Well, maybe a little. What really sends me over the edge is opening my eyes and realizing a man is on his knees for me. He is taking all the time he needs to ensure I am satisfied. And if I'm honest, it's really hot.

I look down at him again and lock eyes with him. He lifts his head enough to smile and say something to me. 

"Come for me." He nearly growls.

His tongue is moving back and forth, his fingers are curling inside of me, and I've held off for as long as I can.

It's like an explosion. I feel like my insides are combusting. I let out a gasp and my body shakes, but he doesn't stop. I cover my mouth with my hand to stop myself from making too much noise for fear of someone hearing, though I don't think Tom would care. I sit straight up and yank his head back – a bit aggressively, if I'm honest – and stare at him, breathlessly, while my body continues to shiver. He stares up at me from his kneeling position and wipes his mouth with his thumb before licking his fingers clean and smirking at me. It's enough to send one more shiver down my spine.

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now