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"Bub, you've gotta let me cover that up." Y/N is frowning at me in the mirror as she does her makeup for her birthday party. She's talking about the hickey she gave me earlier because apparently, we're 16. "I'll never hear the end of it."

"It's like a badge of honor," I joke. "Everyone will know that I'm having sex." I grin at her as I attempt to control my curls, which isn't working the way I want it to. 

"First of all, nobody assumed you, the movie star, were a virgin. Secondly, do you really want my brother, your best friend, to know that we had sex this morning?" I suck my cheeks in and consider this as she takes over my hair situation.

"Maybe not." She smiles, the champion, and beings to pat a bunch of random makeup products on my neck. There goes the badge.

I flop down on Y/N's bed and scroll through my phone as I wait for her to finish getting ready. I don't even know how some people found out it was her birthday. I'm not sure where that information is available.

Because our relationship is already the hottest of topics, I decide to add fuel to the fire by making a birthday post for Y/N. I mean, she is my girlfriend now. It's an obligation. I pull up a picture from over the summer. I think Jane took it. Our backs are to the camera, my arm is around her, and we're both pointing up at the sky, presumably talking about the stars. Y/N is looking up, and I'm looking at her, clearly smitten and in love. I had no idea this picture existed until Jane sent it to me a few weeks ago.

"Happy birthday to my favorite constellation-naming partner. Your names have always been better. I love you endlessly."

I mean, go big or go home, right? Post.

I hear a small gasp from the bathroom, followed by Y/N's footsteps shortly after. She walks into her room holding her phone.

"You are too cute. We're never going to be out of the news." She giggles and kisses me. "I love you. I'm almost done." I give her bum a smack as she walks away from me, eliciting more giggles from her as she walks through the door. My phone is lighting up every other second.


I'm dead


Omg it's happening




Thank you ilysm




Guess my sappy birthday post is still pending?

Outside of it being Y/N's birthday, I know she is going to be popular today solely based on the fact that our relationship has evolved a lot in the past few days. To be fair, though, we've been dancing around the possibility of being in a relationship for over 6 months (more like most of our lives). We were both just too stubborn to act on it until now.

"Almost ready, darling?" I yell from her bed. Her footsteps grow louder as she approaches the bedroom. She is wearing a brown sweater tucked into her trousers, and even though she's wearing the least-revealing clothes she has, I'm calculating how much time we have and if we can sneak in a quickie. "You look lovely." She slips on her heeled boots and smiles at me.

"Thank you, love. So do you." She holds her hands out for me and I take them in mine so she can pull me off the bed. I wrap my arms around her and breathe in her scent. It's still so intoxicating.

Always Been You | Tom Hollandحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن