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It's party day. Jane has been neurotic all day. This is like her Met Gala. I have to keep reminding her that this is just Tom's 26th birthday party. Tom and I have barely spoken since my graduation party, so I'm really not sure how today is going to go. I don't even know why I'm going. Jane begged me to go tonight, but I just don't really want to. She's just worked so hard on this party. Man, I'm a good friend.

I bought Tom a bottle of his favorite whiskey and put an old polaroid of us I found from when we were kids in a picture frame to give him for his birthday. I'm not sure I'll actually give him the frame, since I put it together when we were on our way to friendship, but I have it anyway. It's just a picture of us at a birthday party wearing birthday hats and smiling with our arms thrown around each other. Our faces are squished together and our grins are nearly formed into one. We've always had a fluctuating relationship, but I miss how things were when we were younger. Things were so much simpler. Easier.

I literally had to buy a new dress for this party. That's how seriously Jane is taking it. I'm not even sure Tom knows how to tie a tie, and Jane is throwing him this fancy party.

I've been procrastinating getting dressed for 20 minutes. I told Jane I'd get there early to help set up, so I need to get my dress on and leave. With a disgruntled sigh, I slip my black floor-length gown on and inspect myself in the mirror. The dress has a high neckline but a low back and it's formed to my body perfectly. I feel beautiful in the dress, but too bad my anxiety is through the roof. I've never needed a walk with Tom more in my life.

I grab the whiskey and the picture frame and throw them both into a gift bag before I grab my keys and rush out the door to Tom's house.

"Ah, there she is!" Jane shouts from across the room as I walk into the Hollands' kitchen. "You look incredible!" She wraps me in a hug and squeezes me tight. "Thank you for coming."

"Of course. You look hot," I wink. "Where's Ben?"

"He's picking up the surprise." She smiles wide and continues setting out appetizers.

"Oh, right. And where's the birthday boy?"

"In his room getting dressed. Can you check on him, please? I need to help Nikki with something." She walks out of the room before I can protest and I'm suddenly alone. Well, I guess I'd have to talk to him eventually. Might as well get the awkwardness out of the way before other people arrive. I grab his gift and walk up the stairs toward his room. His door is open, so I knock as I step inside.

"Jane, can you–" Tom turns around, clearly expecting Jane, and stops in his tracks when he sees me standing in front of him. "Oh, Y/N. Sorry, I thought you were Jane." He's standing with his tie half tied around his neck. He's wearing a black tuxedo and a white collared shirt, perfectly tailored for him. He's let his curls run free today. My throat goes dry. I try to swallow to fix it, but it doesn't really help. I'm endlessly annoyed that he's having this affect on me.

"Uh, yeah, sorry, just me." I swallow hard. "She sent me to check on you." I stand awkwardly while he fidgets with his tie. "You having trouble?"

"I can't get the length right," he groans. "I can never get the damn length right." He angrily unties the mess he's created and starts again, doing the steps in all the wrong order.

"Let me help you," I laugh and walk over to him, untying his tie and starting the process over again.

"Do you know what you're doing?" He raises an eyebrow and smiles softly at me, instantly erasing any remainders of anger I had toward him.

"Mum taught me when I was little. I loved tying my dad's ties when we would get dressed up." I smile, locking eyes with him as my hands continually graze his warm skin. I can smell his cologne and the minty toothpaste he uses. I have to stifle a shiver. Seriously, my throat is dry.

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now