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I'm more than frustrated with how some people spoke to Y/N on the carpet. Thankfully, my interview went fine and all questions about her were avoided. It's really just some of the photographers that were making me angry. I never get spoken to like that. It's only ever the women I'm with, even Zendaya. It's absolutely frustrating and I'm not sure how to navigate it without looking like a total twit in the news.

On the plus side, Y/N looks incredible tonight and everyone is noticing. Everyone is getting on with her perfectly – whenever she meets someone that she really loves, she does this cute thing where she squeezes my hand to calm her nerves and excitement. To be fair, it works. You'd think she was meeting Ben's boring coworkers.

She's excused herself to go to the restroom, so I'm standing around listening to some producers talk about their next projects with potential lead actors – this is the worst part of these parties. Some people truly only go so they can network.

I finally spot Y/N making her way over to me and I take this as an opportunity to escape the conversation I'm in. I quietly excuse myself, grab Y/N a new drink, and make my way over to meet her. While I'm walking over, I'm intercepted by Andrew. I place our drinks down at a high-top table next to us and give him a hug.

"Hey, stranger," I whisper into his ear.

"Tom, it's so nice to see you!"

Y/N approaches our conversation and floats next to us. She is clearly not used to being introduced at events.

"Andrew, this is Y/N," I smile and step back so she can shake Andrew's hand.

"So lovely to meet you, Y/N. You look lovely tonight."

"Thank you, it's so nice to meet you." I hand her a glass. "Thank you."

"Don't you two look great together?" If we were alone, he'd be giving me so much shit. Good thing we have to pretend we're practically strangers and not in multiple Spider-Man-themed group chats. "Listen, I've gotta get back, but we'll catch up later. Y/N, lovely to meet you. Hopefully, I will see you again soon." He winks at me and walks away.

"You two are so funny."

I told all my friends and family about the other Spider-Men being in the movie as soon as I could. Y/N's known for weeks. I can't not tell them. I'm so weak.

"I wish you could have gotten to speak to him longer. He's great."

"Yeah, he seems lovely." She sips on her drink and leans on the table. She seems a little less nervous now that we've been here a while. The alcohol also helps.

"Hey," I stand close to her and wrap an arm around her waist. "I'm sorry about all those people shouting rude things while we took photos. I hate how they treated you."

"It's okay. You can't control what they say." She shrugs.

"I wish I could say something. If it happens next time my anger may just take over." I finish my drink. I need another one.

"So, there will be a next time?" Y/N smiles. "I must have impressed tonight."

"Only if you want there to be a next time." 

She nudges me with her shoulder.

A comfortable silence falls over us. The thing about hanging out with Y/N is, we both really like people-watching. Specifically, tonight, we have been enjoying all the really drunk celebrities making fools of themselves.

"Tom, look." She nods in the direction of some people I'm not familiar with, who are loudly laughing at their friend dancing to no music. They're so loud that there's a lull in conversation around us. "The night has barely started." She laughs.

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now