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I'm hungover. Like, violently hungover. My night ended pretty horribly, and I still haven't heard from Jack since he stormed off last night. I've heard from just about everyone, including Tom, before I've heard anything from my boyfriend. Maybe everyone is right about him. I'm not happy with how he acted last night, and the way he stormed off was really embarrassing. He's truly so immature and exhausting sometimes. That shouldn't be how I feel when I'm dating someone. I have a lot to think about. 

I hear my phone buzzing on my bed and I pick it up to see a few texts on my screen, one from Jane and two from Tom.


Hi, babe. Let's get together and chat about last night. Lots of pieces to put together.


Let's meet for lunch and drinks. I think the only way to get rid of this hangover is to drink more.


Sounds good. I'll pick you up at 1.

Tom has texted me more times this morning than he has in the last year. We usually only text each other on our birthdays.


Just checking in. Last night was rough. Hope you're alright.

I put him in my phone as Tommy to irritate him.


I'm sorry I upset you last night. Just let me know that you're okay and I'll leave you alone.

What is with everyone today? Jane needing to see me about last night, Tom suddenly growing a conscience and apologizing for our fight? What am I missing here?


I'm fine, Tom. Thank you for apologizing. I'm sorry, too. We're not very good at coexisting, are we? Lol. Thank you for walking me home.

I roll out of bed and take a shower, hoping it will cure some of this hangover, though I'm not sure anything will cure this thing. I throw some product in my hair and attempt to cover the bags under my eyes with some makeup, to no avail. I guess everyone will just have to know that I'm tired and hungover today.

"Y/N?" I hear Jane's voice ring through my flat and her footsteps grow louder as they near my bathroom. I'm in the middle of brushing my teeth, so I just let her wander until she finds me. "Ah, there you are. Almost ready?"

"Yeah," I spit my toothpaste out and rinse my mouth out before turning to her with a smile. "I need a cocktail."

"You and me both, girl. Let's go."

We arrive at our usual brunch spot and sit down, immediately scouring the menu for what we're going to eat. Neither of us has brought up the incident from last night, probably because neither of us really wants to talk about it, but clearly, I missed something after I stormed off last night. 

Jane excuses herself to the bathroom, so I just sit and scroll on my phone while she's gone. My friends have all posted pictures from last night, which are all really cute. A lot of photos I just don't remember taking. Drunk Y/N loves a photo shoot. I scroll through my picture collection from last night and choose a few to post as well. I intentionally leave out the pictures of me and Jack, because I'm petty. I select a picture of me and my friends all laughing with each other. It's perfectly candid and we all look so happy.

"cheeky little celebration with my faves before we graduate to adult life"

I press post just in time for Jane to return from her bathroom break and for our cocktails to be dropped off.

"So, what happened between you and Jack last night?" Jane sips her drink and leans her head on her hands. "It seemed like one second he was there and then he was storming off."

"Well," I sigh. "He was so cross that we were so drunk, and then Tom showed up and he really was done." I roll my eyes and take a long sip of my drink. "He told me it was time to go, I said I wasn't ready to leave, and he basically told me we had to leave because Tom was there and he didn't want us talking."

"What?" Jane's eyes widen in shock. "That's ridiculous." She shakes her head.

"I know, I told him that. He was in such a mood last night. I mean, Tom and I hardly talk when we're together, anyway." I lean back in my chair and rub my temple with my fingers. "And of course, Tom and I got into it after Jack stormed off. It was just a mess."

"Yeah, I heard about your fight." I raise an eyebrow in confusion. "Tom told me." Ah, I should have guessed. Seems he gets along with everyone but me. "Well, I have to tell you what happened after you and Tom left." Her voice is nervous. That is odd for Jane. I can feel my blood pressure rising. "When Tom texted us that he was walking you home, Jack came back with Ben."

"He did? He didn't tell me." I take another long sip of my drink. I'm going to need another one.

"Yeah. But, he wasn't happy. He was looking for you, but when he realized you'd gone, he kind of... scolded us." She looks down at her hands and back up at me.

"Scolded you? How?" I lean back in my chair and try to steady my breathing.

"Well, he went on a rant about you and how irresponsible he thinks you are. It was shocking, honestly. And when he found out Tom was walking you home, he really had some choice words with Ben about Tom and how he doesn't trust him. It was a lot. The way he spoke about you was so shocking." She frowns and takes a bite of her almost empty plate of food.

"What did he say?" I say, even though I'm not sure I want to know the answer.

"Something along the lines of you being childish. And he... he called you a bitch."

My eyebrows shoot up in shock. We sit in silence for a moment. "I haven't heard from him all morning," I say, a frown forming on my lips. I shake my head.

"Your boyfriend shouldn't be so disrespectful." Jane's voice is serious. She's never been one to be critical of Jack, which I always appreciated, so this conversation is serious for her. Don't get me wrong, Jane has made it clear that she wasn't a huge fan of him, but she was letting me navigate the relationship on my own. Now, though, I don't think I'll hear anything but bad things about him from her mouth.

"I think that's kind of a decision made, isn't it? Thank you for telling me all of this. I mean, I heard from Tom sooner than I've heard from my own boyfriend." I roll my eyes and finish off my cocktail, very ready to be home and in my bed again.

"It's my duty, isn't it?" Jane smiles and places her hand on top of mine. "You okay, babe?"

"Honestly? I feel kind of relieved. I think something inside me knew things with Jack weren't going to last. I just needed a kick in the ass to break it off," I shrug.

"New beginnings, babe!" Jane shouts. I smile and shake my head. "Let's get you home, darling." She grabs the check off the table before I can even look at it, and before I know it, I'm back at home.

My hangover is persisting and I've accepted the fact that I'm going to feel like shit for the rest of the day, so I post up in my bed for the day. My only plan for the remainder of the day is to watch trashy reality TV and drink water. I have a feeling this hangover will linger for another day, which is annoying because I need to prepare for my graduation, which is just 2 days away. I still need to find an outfit and finish planning my graduation party this weekend. I'm a mess.

Still no word from Jack. I'm sure I'll have to reach out and figure out how to have this break-up conversation before my graduation. I guess that'll go on the list for tomorrow. I just want my graduation day to be stress-free, which I know is a long shot.

I can't wait for this all to be over with. 

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