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I've got a pounding headache. Maybe from the alcohol, maybe from the fight I had with Tom last night. Likely both. 

I'm still pretty upset with him. I feel like all of our pent-up frustration just blew up last night, and now it's all out on the table and I'm not sure how to move forward. We have to check out soon and I haven't seen him yet. Luckily there's a bathroom in this part of the suite so I was able to shower and get ready for the day without having to run into him.

I feel like we're right back where we started at the start of the summer. As always, we're one step forward, and 3 steps back. Only this time it was like 12 steps back. I knew we were going to implode. I just didn't know it would be after the most incredible date I've ever been on. 

Only me. 

My phone buzzes in my hand, making me nearly jump out of my skin.




Ready to ship off?


That was lame. I don't know why I said that.


Are you ready to go?


Checkout is in 10 minutes.


I've sent you too many texts. Sorry.

It's so annoying that he's making me smile after we fought.


I'm ready.

I shove my phone into my pocket and sigh. I know I have a right to be angry with him. I know that this time, I didn't blow things out of proportion. He had no right to tell anyone anything after we agreed to keep it between us while we figured it out. It was unfair of him to do.

At least he told me before we had sex, right? Is my bar too low?

I throw my bag – full of the gown that I'm somehow allowed to keep – over my shoulder and walk into the connected room, totally unprepared for the awkward drive ahead of me. I just don't really want to talk to Tom. I'm still sorting out my feelings and I know he's going to try to charm me. Not that he really needs to try to be charming. Maybe I'll charm myself into liking him again.

The room is eerily quiet. I know Tom likes to listen to music or a podcast while he gets ready. There's nothing. The room is also... empty. At least, it looks empty. Tom's bags are on his bed, but Tom is nowhere to be found. I'm almost afraid to speak into the silence for fear of someone jumping out and killing me horror movie-style.

"Tom?" I manage to choke out. The bathroom door opens suddenly and makes my heart fall into my ass. "Jesus, you scared me."

"Sorry. Brushing my teeth." He holds up his toothbrush and toothpaste and gives me a small smile. I adjust my bag on my shoulder and shuffle my feet awkwardly. I don't know what to say. "Come on, then." He holds his hand out. Is he serious?


"Your bag, Y/N." Oh. He wants to carry my bag. Obviously. I reluctantly take my bag off my shoulders and hand it to him. I know he'd take it from me either way. "Alright, ladies first." He opens the door and I walk through, leading the way to the lobby and toward the valet who already has Tom's car pulled around. He must have called down to let them know we were coming shortly.

Always Been You | Tom HollandNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ