I stand outside the studio, separated from Tom and Greg by a sheet of glass. They have just started their interview and so far, it's going really well. Tom hasn't done press in a while because he's taken time off to help with baby prep, so he's been nervous about this interview. Most interviews after we were publicly a couple were him dodging questions about me and our relationship. He doesn't mind talking about me in interviews, but he's really reserved about giving too much information because people don't have boundaries, especially now that I'm pregnant and the world knows. I had to cave and allow him to buy us a house when I found out I was pregnant, and we've been living away from the city for a while now. Nobody bothers us out there. It's been really nice.

Tom keeps looking at me from his seat, almost as if he's ensuring I'm still there. I just continuously give him thumbs-ups since the glass prevents me from actually doing much more. He and Greg are talking about his upcoming projects and how he's been enjoying his time off. His eyes glisten as he explains that he's just been spending time with his friends and family, and me.

"Have you and Y/N been able to spend time together now that you're home?" Hearing my name piques my interest. Tom smiles.

"Oh, loads. We've been doing absolutely nothing, which is just what we wanted."

"Guys, I just met Y/N a few weeks ago at an event, and let me tell you, she is just as incredible as Tom makes her out to be." I feel my face burning.

"Thanks, mate, yeah, she is pretty great. She is far smarter than I ever will be." He looks at me and I mouth "prettier, too" and he laughs out loud. "Y/N's just mouthed 'prettier, too' from the booth." They both laugh. "She's right."

"Now, I want to just check in with you since the big news has been revealed, congratulations, by the way." Greg smiles. "How are you two adjusting to life with a baby on the way?" Tom shifts in his seat. He hates speaking on my behalf, even though most of the time I'm thinking the same things he is.

"I'm doing quite well, now that the initial shock is over." He chuckles. "I'm so excited. Being a dad has always been a dream of mine, and now I get to make it a reality with someone I love dearly." He smiles at me. These pregnancy hormones have made me way too emotional lately. I can't think about him being a dad without tearing up. "I don't want to speak for Y/N, but she seems to be doing quite well."

"Does she want to come on and talk for a minute?" Greg and Tom look at me through the glass. I widen my eyes. Do I? Tom smiles and waves me in, so I decide it can't hurt. I waddle my way into the studio and Tom stands up to help me into my seat, lowering me down and handing me a pair of headphones. I adjust myself in my seat and Tom places his hand on my leg and squeezes it to keep my nerves calm. "Hello, darling!" Greg smiles wide.

"Hi there," I say. It's weird hearing my voice through the headphones. "Thanks for letting me take over Tom's interview." We all laugh.

"I don't matter anymore now that there's a baby on the way." Tom shrugs. "And that's okay."

"Y/N, how are you doing, and is Tom treating you and baby well?" Greg winks at Tom and he rolls his eyes.

"I've been feeling good lately! I was pretty sick for the first few months, which is why I didn't go to many events with Tommy." Her calling me Tommy in an interview makes me chuckle. I'm never escaping this nickname. "Tom has been wonderful, as always. Moving furniture for me, going out and getting my cravings, rubbing my feet when they get swollen, he literally bought a house the second we found out I was pregnant. He's an incredible partner and I know he'll be a great dad." I feel myself getting weepy.

"There we go, Tommy!" Greg shouts. "I have to say, keeping the pregnancy a secret for so long had to have been hard – how far along are you?"

"8 months." Tom and I say in unison. "Yeah, it was pretty hard to keep under wraps. Luckily it has been cold for most of the pregnancy, so I was able to hide the bump."

Always Been You | Tom HollandWhere stories live. Discover now