Chapter Thirty

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I felt so safe and warm in Holten's arms, I didn't think twice about checking my phone to see if Caiden had texted, the outside world had been completely forgotten about within the last couple of hours.

But the bright blue eyes never left my mind, almost like an impending doom that was just waiting to happen.


{Authors Note}

This chapter is very long!

Chapter Thirty

I woke up, the sun was shining brightly through the window, making it impossible to try and sleep in, I squint through the light coming in and look around the bedroom.

The spot beside me was ruffled but empty and cold.

There was light laughter filtering in down from the previous floor from the kitchen. ignore the floor from it thikibg it could be Holten watching tv but loud, and rolled over to the stand beside the bed, picking up my iPhone and checking to see if I had any missed calls or texts.

I did, but from Caiden.

From Caiden;

Marley and I are coming into the treehouse in a little bit to see how you are settling in.

Another text had come in ten minutes prior.

From Caiden;

I am up on the roof when you wake up. Come up, we need to talk.

My eyes widen once I register those words and look around, noticing Samson on the floor, sleeping soundly.

"Samson, come!" I yell abruptly, causing Samson to jerk awake, and then become alert almost instantly after taking in his surroundings, he pads over to me and looks up at me.

The light laughter still floated up from downstairs making me want to go check it out if Caiden and Marley came to the treehouse, and Caiden is on the roof, waiting for me.

Then Marley is downstairs with Holten.

Flashes of memories of every guy I liked getting swooped up over Marley came rushing back and I became stuck, not knowing where I wanted to go.

I completely trusted Holten not to do anything, but it was Marley I didn't trust, she had a way with men over her voice and body, a way I could never understand. It made me a little insecure, but in a way that wasn't my fault, it wasn't my fault for becoming insecure because Marley pushes into my life, completely kicking me out to be the backseat driver of my life.

The other part of me was torn to go upstairs to see what Caiden wanted.

I bring up my hands, and anxiously start to chew on my fingernails.

I heard a distinctive loud whine, then feel Samson's paws and claws prodding my arms, pushing them down and away from my body, my head swivel downs to see Samson on top of my arms, they are spread apart but Samson had catapulted onto both my arms, having me hold him up to keep m from biting my nails.

"Good boy Sammy!" I say, momentarily forgetting I wasn't supposed to be chewing my nails on purpose for the importance of Samson getting the right hang of his training.

I move my body and drop my arms, letting Samson settle on the floor as I walk to one of the bags, going to get a training treat.

"Good boy Samson, that's a very good boy!" I coo, giving Samson the treat, he happily grabs it from my hand and instantly gobbles it down without hesitation.

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