Chapter Three

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Instead, I choose to push everything aside, climb on the queen-sized mattress, snuggle with the long soft blanket thrown across and close my eyes and feel Spyke lean against me.

The heat from Spyke was coming in, in waves and I feel myself drift away enjoying that heat for a moment as a comfortable warm hug enveloped my body and cocooned me to sleep. 


Chapter Three

A sudden creak in the floorboards had me opening my eyes and in a fluid motion, I sat up straight, my heart thumping wildly in my chest. 

I see a figure outlined in the darkness standing in the doorway to my room and for a moment I panic, thinking it was a burglar. 

After a moment, memories of earlier that day came flooding back and I take into account Samson was o longer on the bed with me, in fact, I didn't see him when I glance around the room and when I turn my head back to the figure in the doorway, I see him.

Caiden stands leaning against one side of the door frame with an emotionless expression, but still the same electric blue eyes, he wore a grey t-shirt and dark blue almost black long sweatpants that were way too big for him, as they hung loosely by the folds around his legs. 

His arms are folded around his chest and his lips turn into a smirk.

'His lips.' My lips slightly part when glancing at them. 

I am instantly hit with a pang in my stomach and my gut twists as I recall a small part from that night playing in my head. 

I move and so does he. His back against the bed, his hands gripping the sheets as my hands fold into tight fists against his chest. 

My leg goes over his lap so I'm straddling, and his hands immediately move down to grip my hips tightly, folding the skin between his fingers, I hiss but don't object as my hands go up and wound in his hair.

He leans forward and seals our lips together once again, letting out a groan of satisfaction, his hands going up and around my back pulling me closer, and pulling away to lean his head down latching his lips on the side of my neck- 

"Are you going to say anything or just stare the whole time?" Caiden's voice interrupts my flashback and I am yanked back to the present.

"I wasn't staring," I mutter and look away, lifting up my arms and stretching out my legs, I let out a small yawn. 

"Where's Samson?" I ask without turning back to him, and try to steady my severely racing heart. 

I bring my hands in my lap and clench them as a distraction from wanting to reach over and run my fingers through his locks, or wrap my hands around his neck and crash our lips together like I so desperately want to right n-.

 "He's downstairs with Marley." Caiden says, [icking himself up off the doorframe and walking into the room, looking around. 

"'s you." Caiden says, moving around to one side of the bed, the closest side to the door and stands not one foot from the bed. 

Almost close enough to reach out.

"Yes, it's me." I say, and finally, turn my head and have to tilt my head, I wasn't expecting him to be so close. 

I lift my eyes up and take in his heavy breathing chest and keep going up, taking in his tan neck, and face, his blue eyes staring at me as if seeing through to my soul, and I almost get sucked in.

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin