Chapter Twenty-Three

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I didn't realize just how much I had missed being in Caiden's arms until I was in them again.

I thought I was set, I thought I was going to hold firm, but something sizzled in the air between us.

It crackled and burned me until Caiden came to me and kissed away the burning, he put out the fire that had suddenly consumed my body, making an even bigger mess inside my heart and brain.


Chapter Twenty-Three

Caiden left the room abruptly after that, not saying another word or giving another glance as he saunters out of the room.

I was left with a heaving chest, a racing heart, and slightly ruffled hair.

I was speechless just staring at the door, I gave in to the desire and kissed him. Again. I cannot control myself when I'm around him and even after telling myself not to do it, I still did it anyway.

Guilt tore at my insides as I walk up the steps, Holten and I weren't close to being exclusive so why did I feel so guilty? Marley didn't deserve to have this happen to her but I felt fine with my decisions the entire time.

So why do I feel the need to wrap my arms around my body in a warm hug as if my emotional state depended on it?

I walk up the basement steps to hear a low bassy quick tempo beat start up, feeling it intensify as I walk through the upstairs living room and down the hall for the first guest bedroom hallway to the back staircase above the living room.

I heard everyone's laughter filter in through the kitchen and hear a distant whining.

I walk down the staircase feeling the cold seep through the thin layer of flip-flops I wore and looked around to find the source of the whining. I scan the large living room area and my eyes settle on a medium-sized figure pawing at the side deck door and gasp.

"Samson!" I let out a horrifying scream, the surrounding darkness behind Samson was pitch black.

I run to the door, fling it open and receive Samson's joyful yelps and endless licking. I don't know how long he was outside, and I don't even remember losing track of him, but somewhere along the lines, I let Samson get loose.

"I'm so sorry Samson, I will keep better track of you, I promise." I coo to my companion and wrap my arms around Samson's neck, falling onto the floor.

The cool crisp summer air filters in blowing my long dark strands around, making my body instantly shiver, but I ignore it.

"Rave, what happened!" Marleys bouncy voice rings out in the almost quiet room, making me jump and break Samson out of his overly lovable moment, now more tense and alert.

"Samson was locked outside, how long had he been there for?" I ask, my eyes peering at her and the filtering crowd that was slowly cumulating at the doorway of the kitchen.

"I hadn't seen Samson last night, I thought he followed you upstairs last night..." Marley trails off looking around at the onlookers just staring at the doorway, silent, "Well looks like he's alright now. Next round folks!" Marley suddenly shouts and walks into the crowd, disappearing back into the kitchen.

I stood in place, with Samson looking at me anxiously I stare at the now empty doorframe where everyone stood moments ago and I scoffed.

'Marley, you've changed.' I think to myself sadly.

The thing was, she had changed. And so have I.

I hadn't noticed it until now, but Marley is so far into her own world, nothing exists but her. Nothing matters but her.

She has known about my medical issues that prevent me from going anywhere sociable, she has known about Samson. She even babysat him as a puppy, she knows how important it is for Samson to be around me, with me at all times.

So why does she not care now?

Or has she ever really cared at all and I'm just now noticing how little she has paid attention to me?

I walk into the kitchen to see everyone gathered around the kitchen area and sitting in the chairs around the table, my eyes scan the people gathered around, finding Marley and Caiden, but don't seem to see Holten.

I glance around the wooden cupboards and granite countertops and to the endless people mulling about, half dancing and half standing drinking their drinks.

I can't help it, my eyes flutter toward Caidens, almost like a magnet.

His icy blue orbs were easy to find, however, as I turn my head my eyes find him and give my body an involuntary jolt like it wanted to walk right into Caidens arms and forget about my confusing thoughts.

The smirk that played on his lips, tugged at my heart, my fingers wanting to run through his blonde locks. My whole body shook with an unseen force, almost as if I was unknowingly holding myself back from launching myself at Caiden.

Caiden's attention was diverted as Marley comes bounding up with a shot, severing our heated stare, and once again, I am left to scan the crowd looking for Holten.

"Trainwreck..." I hear directly in my ear, the deep voice of Holten wrapping around me, causing my eyes to flutter close momentarily and savor the lasting tingle my body gave off.

With the low hum of the music, I felt more alive than ever, there was a speaker system wired throughout the cabin, along with the kitchen and living room being surround sound, the music blaring from them. But the big speakers stationed in the living room were the four-speaker hook-up for the bass and I felt it, coming through the floor.

I turn around, my eyes popping open when I feel Holten's large warm hands, tightly grasp my waist, helping me turn around faster.

Before I could acknowledge anything else, I felt Holten's right hand leave my hip to grip the side of my face, angling it up to meet his chiseled face.

Holten wasted no time in swooping his head down, gripping me tightly on my waist, but also in a gentle way, pulling me forward and crashing our lips together.

I heard the chatter around become quieter and quieter until nobody said a word.

I closed my eyes without a second hesitation, giving in to the tingles surrounding my body, and giving back the same amount of intensity and passion Holten was kissing me with.

My hands reach up to shakily wind around his neck and tightly grip his hair, my finger interweaving with his soft locks, I inhale a breath through my nose. A sharp intake of breath caused me to momentarily stop breathing and my entire body froze for a split second.

But, just like that.

I was able to move once again and could hear the rising cheers whoops and catcalls.

"No fucking way.."

"I told you..."

"Last night..."

So many voices floated over me at once, I try my best to ignore them as I slow my tempo in kissing and pulled back after a moment to catch my breath.

My hands come back down to hip level and instead grips the hand that somehow left my hip a while ago, and it had just been me and my body's entire response to the pushing of my body against his so roughly.

Oh, what the hell have I done now? 

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora