Chapter Thirteen

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I down the first two drinks, becoming instantly loopy, but before I could do any more, I dig into the medium-sized hand purse and unzip it dragging out a few hand-rolled joints and taking out a lighter.

Without hesitation, I bring the lighter up and spark up the joint inhaling and exhaling for a few minutes until I get just about all the way down to my fingers.

I throw the now dark charcoal-colored roach and stuff it carelessly in my purse, now feeling a euphoric haze settle over my slight buzzed state, creating the perfect amount of confidence control.

Time to start some trouble.


Chapter Thirteen

I finish making the third drink, but make it stronger than the other drinks I had before and walk through the kitchen, approaching the back deck's double glass doors, peering outside.

Through the small groups of people here and there, I spot the couple in the hot tub, nobody else around.

When my eyes settle on the pair, I didn't notice what they were doing until I stepped forward, thankfully the door was open or else I would have run smack into it. That's all I need, just another reason for these people to laugh at me.

I didn't really fit into this crowd, everyone wore flashy jewelry and clothes, and I was a person who rarely wore this stuff.

All my expensive clothes are clothes I have collected over the years, not clothes I spent a weekend paycheck on. I had no reason to try to fit into this crowd.

But it doesn't mean I won't shake things up and make a few heads turn in my direction.

And that's exactly what happened as I step foot out of the cabin and onto the back deck. It was huge, so was the pool and hot tub to the right and the fire pit to the left surrounded a group of trees.

With all the peering eyes gawking at my exposed skin, I wanted to dip my head low, turn around and climb back up the attic stairs to spend the rest of this summer. But I held my head high and continue forward.

I look down and lean down to throw off my pair of shoes elegantly to the deck floor, as I wouldn't be needing them anymore. Hwoever, gracefully taking off my shoes did not happen.

Instead, I lean forward too much, spill some of my drink and almost land on my face, but a thick tanned arm wrapped around my waist pulling me back upright.

My shoes are carelessly forgotten about as they tumble down to the wood, but I didn't care.

My first thought was Caiden, but Caidens arms weren't that tan.

My eyes traveled up as the arms hand settled around the small of my back, I am met with a striking pair of green eyes and a dimpled smile.

"I-I'm sorry, that was really careless of me." I say, holding my glass almost alarmingly tight with my right hand while my left hand shoots out to rest against the strangers chest for balance.

"You didn't spill any on me, but hey, if you're going to apologize for falling for me, then save it until I at least get you a drink." The stranger says and my eyes widen considerably.

This man, had one deep voice. It rumbled through my body and almost had my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

Once I regain my composure lean away and remove my hand, but the stranger did not remove his hand, and I couldn't say I was going to argue with it.

I do however roll my eyes but a smile plays at my lips as I answer this stranger, "I was not falling for you, I was trying to take my shoes off...Sexily, and epically failed at it." I say, laughing awkwardly breaking eye contact and look down briefly.

"Yes, at that you did." The stranger laughs and in retrun had the corners of my lips pulled up further until a genuine smile breaks out onto my face, reaching my eyes.

"Hey!" I shoot and reach out to slap him on his side.

The stranger finally removes his hand from around my back and leans away, far enough to give me an inhale of fresh breath, the warmth that was rolling off hi body was enough to send me in a sexual fit, I wanted to grab him and-

'Oh my god!' I think horrified to myself, 'I'm way too sexually frustrated to reason right now.' I warn to myself but don't listen as I thoughtlessly throw away the warning and concentrate on this green-eyed stranger.

"I'm Raven." I offer my name to begin introductions and hopefully speed up this suffocating moment.

"Holten, how about a new margarita?" Holten offers, his dark brown hair resting well below his shoulders was brown and wavy, it matched and added to his bright green eyes.

"Yes, thank you." I say, turning away and offering myself an escape, and an idea to form and take action.

Caiden had me and Marley, but I just had only him and not only part-time, but barely any of the time. So why can't I indulge myself in a little bit of art of the sexes?

I could.

I put a little sway in my step and by the burning holes I could feel in my backside I knew it worked.

I heard Holten let out a low chuckle as I sashay my way over to Caiden and Marley, whose eyes were both watching me closely.

Marley had a look of appreciation on her face, and another, she looked proud, like she didn't think I could have successfully pulled off drawing Holten in bait n' hook.

Whereas Caidens was not a look of appreciation, in fact, it was one of the complete opposites. Caidens eyes were normally light, but now they were closed a few fractions than normal, his jaw tightly clenched and his hand that was draped across Marley's shoulders was gripped into a tight fist.

I step up to the hot tub and smooth my shorts down my legs, not hesitating before my fingers reach the hem of my black shirt and throw it over my head.

I sport my bathing suit, thankfully blessed with a nice set of curves, I knew I looked good. And by the multiple hot stares that got intensified as I climbed in, I would say my plan worked a little too well.

I climb down the stairs without another second's hesitation instantly settling my body down into the hot water.

I smile and close my eyes briefly shutting off the world as I wade by the side of the hot tub, my phone and my small purse sat beside the pool on the ground. I sit idle for a couple of moments enjoying the hot water.

"Who was that?" Chirps in a curious and hyper Marley.

"Yes, who was that?" Caiden also jumps in and that's when my eyes flew open, my head comes down to meet first Marleys open stare.

Then my eyes slide over to Caidens bright blue curious and also furious eyes.

I gulp hard, oh boy.


{Authors Note}

Aah, the tension!

What did you think of this chapter?

What do you think is going to happen now that Holten is introduced?

Thank you very much, stay tuned for more!

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora