Chapter Twenty-Eight

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After a few more minutes of Samson comforting me and laying in my lap while I hyperventilate my anxiety and panic attack, I had him go lay back on the bed.

At first, he wasn't going to budge, but then he hangs his head finally choosing to listen to me, I had to stay on the floor for a few moments longer, still trying to gather my thoughts and my racing heart.

Holy shit.


Chapter Twenty-Eight

I walk down the black metal spiral staircase down the stairs to the mini bar and lounge floor where Holten was waiting for me at the bar, with many bottles of various alcoholic beverages on the counter.

Holten was wearing no shirt, but had a shirt thrown up onto the bar counter next to him, while he sported dark blue shorts on his bottom half, his dark hair still damp and tousled every which way.

He turns to me slowly and a smile lights up his face, one that makes a blush start to crawl around my face settling on my cheeks, they grew hotter every second it took me to walk down the steps.

Once I got to the bottom, Holten had already gotten up and out of his stool and walked to the base of the staircase before I could look back up after a couple of steps.

"You are beautiful Raven, you don't give yourself the necessary credit." Holten says his voice light and teasing but holding a serious note that seemed to ring into my heart, making it begin to beat fast inside my chest.

"Thank you, you clean up pretty nicely yourself, " I say, pausing on the last step as we were almost eye level this way, I reach up to clasp my hands around the back of Holten's neck, "Actually, don't you have a shirt? Not to complain or anything but it might get a little chilly in a little bit." I say stepping down as my arms go up still wound around Holten's neck.

Our bodies almost touching now, but a breath apart.

"I think I'm going to stay like this now that you said something, come here." Holten says, but ends in a needy whisper that spoke volumes.

Nobody else was around us, nobody could see us, or hear us.

We were completely and utterly alone together and for the first time, I opened my mouth and make a sound upon the impact of him suddenly gripping my waist in his big warm hands and kissing me.

My mouth opens first in surprise then in response, a little moan escapes my lips that ends in a whimper, when one of Holten's hands had traveled up to grab a fistful of my left breast in his hand, rolling his hand in rhythm.

"That won't be the only thing on display, "Holten breathes huskily in my ear as his hand traveled down my body roughy and circles my mound. His hand swiftly rubbed back and forth outside my shorts, letting me feel him, "I'm taking this opportunity to know you inside and out, everything is out in the open." Holten says, pulling away and opening his light green eyes slowly.

When our eyes connect my body gives an involuntary shiver and I drop my hands from around Holten's neck, "You want to know me inside and out, I want to know you as well. So, you're twenty-nine, what else don't I know about you?" I ask, walking around him, letting my arms trail over his scorching chest and arms, running down his back walking around him fully.

Holten instinctively gave a shiver that makes the muscles on his back ripple with tension, which in return made my insides twist with pleasure, seeing the sheer solid muscle he had on his back, along with the well-defined eight pack, his forearms thick and rippling with muscle and his chest broad, big enough to fit two and a half of me.

I continue onward and walk towards the bar and stare at the bottles on the countertop, "I love to talk about photography, which is my passion, my camera is just in my suitcase, well one of them. I had a Saint Bernard but it died when I was twenty and I was married once, but it didn't end so well." Holten says, walking behind me and settling himself on the barstool beside me.

My breath hitches and my heart starts to once again beat like crazy upon hearing Holten had been married.

"What happened?" I asked.

"She had run off with a man she had been sleeping with for months, she had known him since before we met, but always claimed they were friends, next thing I knew I woke up one morning after a party at said man's house, to find them banging in one of the bedrooms of the house." Holten shrugs nonchalantly, seeming carefree of those feelings, but I knew it must have been lingering still.

"I'm sorry Holten, nobody deserves to be cheated on..." I trail off not knowing what to say, my body hung limp in the chair and my mind came up blank for the first time on how to respond to Holten.

"It's okay, um, she wasn't a good person you know, bad personality and ugly insides and all, so I got over it pretty quickly, Holten says, holding up two bottles of alcohol.

"Jim Beam or Jack Daniels?" Holten asks, his light green eyes gleaming with a playful glint.

I suck in a breath, "Ooh, I love me some Jim Beam." I say, my lips spreading up into a smile.

Holten's lips turn up into a smile as well and reach out to put the Jack Daniels bottle back on the countertop and opens the bottle to the Jim Beam.

I look around behind the counter, "Are there any glasse-"

Holten held up two shot glasses that were more like small beer-drinking glasses but, nevertheless, he pulled the two glasses out of nowhere cutting off my question entirely in a laugh.

"Okay, nevermind." I say, laughing.

Holten gives off a cheeky smile and pours the glasses full of the Jim Beam, "Here's to new beginnings and shedding old memories." Holten raises his glass.

I reach out and grip my glass with the strong alcohol in my hand and bring it out towards Holten's outstretched hand holding the glass, meeting the glasses together.

The sound makes a resonating ting that jolts my heart, it rests for a split second as if recognizing this being a significant point since meeting Holten.

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt