Chapter Sixteen

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I felt torn.

I did not know what I wanted to do.

My body and heart wanted to crumble and stay glued next to Caiden, but they both wanted to stand next to Holten as well. I yearned to be back inside the warmth of Holten's arms, but I had longed for Caidens arms so much the lingering tingles weren't going away.

Is it possible to not just be attracted but like more than one person like this?


Chapter Sixteen

Caiden had turned towards me halfway and one side of his face picks up into a smirk, "What do you mean?" He asks, but the mischievous glint in his bright blue eyes never leaves.

I jerk the hand that Caidens fingers were tightly grasping around, and he then turns back to lean up against the wall, the hand clasped around my wrist jerks me backward and my back lands rather roughly up against the solid wall of the hot tub, but that's not what alarmed me.

It was how close we were, our arms were touching and our hands were now in front of our bodies, I look around horrified to see if anyone has noticed and only one single pair of eyes had even noticed the entire ordeal.

That person was extremely attractive and had the most beautiful green eyes I had ever seen. Holten stares at us intently, his eyebrows knit together in concentration and understanding.

But also something else, something that made his jaw tighten visible fractions and his body tense, no longer in the relaxing position it just was before.

"Because of this." Caiden lets go of my wrist, and I breathe a sigh of relief, but only for a moment.

His hand never had intentions of staying away, however, as it makes contact with my right thigh. He squeezes my thigh tightly, before running his hand in circles all the way to my bathing suit bottoms.

"Caiden, not in front of people," I said, the hand not enclosed over the alcohol bottle instantly reaching down to push his hand away.

"Nobody can see anything, the bubbles are too massive to see anything. Now, shh." Caiden says as he throws the bottoms I was wearing to the side and not hesitated to plunge his hand down and connect with my most sensitive area.

I held my breath and struggled to keep my breath even as I exhaled only to almost let a moan slip. Caiden was going slow and almost rhythmic, building up the pressure sensuously slow.

My mouth opens wide and my eyes shoot wide open in a wave of pleasure. My eyes instantly connect to Holten's dark stormy green ones.

They were filled with want, longing, jealousy, and something else, something that tugged deep in my chest, and made me want to rip my body away from Caidens hands.

For the first time, I felt awkward and not right doing what I was doing and my eyes started to well up with tears.

Caiden's breathing turns labored, "Ravenlyn." That moan.

It brought me back to reality as my gut twisted instead of uncomfortableness but instead with pleasure as I neared my orgasm.

I bring my hand up rather quickly and set it on the ground as my thighs convulse and clench up with the effort to stay quiet.

I close my eyes as another wave of pleasure hits me, only this one really intense and desperate for release, and soon, my whole starts to convulse and I silently crash over the edge and come undone in Caidens hand.

My eyes shoot open and meet Holten's stare. He was still watching.

I felt horrible that he had to witness this, and the looming thought of what he thought of me, now knowing Caiden and I were doing things behind Marley's back.

Caiden was still rubbing me, obviously not done and a second rought of pleasure rolls through my body, my center throbbing still wanting more.

But distant shouts filtered in through the back deck door, causing Caiden and me to spring apart and I whirl around to hyperventilate through the pleasure that soared through my body.

I paid no attention to anyone around me as I clutch onto the wall of the hot tub and stare at the ground, with my head in my hands.

I didn't know how long I had stayed in that position, but I had purposefully turned away from Caiden because I did not want to see him and Marley coddling as I had heard at the beginning of my fading-out session.

But a deep baritone voice that seemed to have honey wrapped all around it, coating my body like a warm syrupy hug.


I turn around and glance up at the person I know was standing beside me, the sky a dark fading light blue and fading fast, the distant chatter fro inside the livingroom signified everyone had called it quits and continued the party inside.

Is it going to be a party every night?

My eyes met the green emerald eyes I have gotten accustomed to want to look at me, and take a breath in, only to break then and there.

Ugly sobs tumble out of my lips.

"It's okay Raven, I got you." Holten softly whispers.

"What d-do you mean?" I struggle to get out in between my disgusting sobs, but I could hardly breath.

I felt shattered like I had been torn apart, little by little until there was nothing left. Nothing. Not even ash.

My heart hurt in my chest and my body was still reeling from the pleasure it had felt after being denied was confusing me. There was a minute when I felt confident about my feelings for Caiden and what we were doing.

But, the sick feeling twisting in my gut only worsened as I tried to think about it, try to understand it.

Holten's arms come around my body and without a word or explanation from me, he bends down, swoops me up bridal style, and carries me inside.

Without so much as a single word to anybody in the room, Holten carries me up the back staircase leaving shouts, questions, and confused stares behind.

Fall For You ~ Hearts Intertwined Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now