Chapter Nineteen

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As Holten deepens the kiss, I throw my hands around his neck and pull him closer to me, feeling him thrust in and out slowly at first, but after the urgency of my hips meeting his.

Holten's thrusts went faster and faster until I came to my second round of falling off the edge.

Holten kissed me and licked my body, all the while thrusting into me creating so much pleasure that I didn't know could exist between two people creating a muck of thoughts and feeling within myself.


Chapter Nineteen

We caught our breaths and said nothing, Holten rolled off me and laid down heaving, chest glistening in the low dim light.

Holten puts his hand down and pulls up his bathing suit shorts and rolls to the side, facing me.

I could feel his heated stare and heaved a sigh, getting up and crossing the floor butt naked, trying to ignore the way I felt his eyes burn holes into the back of my head.

I go into one of my bags, and grab a pair of comfy dark grey booty pajama shorts, it didn't show any of my skin but hugged my butt very nicely. I then reach in and throw over a tank top, grab a thin sweater and tie it around my waist.

I know I will get cold eventually. I always get cold, no matter where I am.

I whirl around and walk back to the bed, crawling in under the blankets, lying down, and facing Holten.

He hadn't moved since I got up so when I lay down, our eyes instantly met and I wasn't expecting that as my body gives a violent jerk.

"So, I'm not going to pry too much, but you and Caiden seem to know each other a lot more than just as your best friend's fiance..." Holten trails off, his green eyes staying fixed on my own.

I gulp my heart skipping a beat, "Caiden and I met at a bar months ago, we slept together then he disappeared and I never saw him again until now." I say, after a long pause.

"But that doesn't explain what I saw." Holten says.

I almost snapped at him, but his soft tone made the action useless, as soon as I opened my mouth, I snapped it closed and almost broke again.

I wanted to be mad at him, but I couldn't. I wanted to be mad at his questions, his curiousness, and his want to know about this. I didn't want to admit it out loud, I didn't want to face it.

Holten had no judgment in his voice, he just held concern and questions, his eyes swarming with an emotion I knew all too well, heartache.

"It's hard to explain Holten, I came here because my lifelong chosen sister was getting engaged and I had to make sure he was the perfect choice for her, but I wasn't expecting him before me. It's not an excuse but, I tried to stay away, I tried to get him to stay away, but he pressed and I stopped fighting it." I say, sitting up.

I could hear the hard edge to my voice the more I was trying to explain to Holten my situation the more I could feel myself letting go. Letting go of the anger I had towards myself, but deepening the sadness I felt inside myself.

"We did some things together and I couldn't stop it, Holten it felt so good." I say as tears well in my eyes, Holten sits up with me and gathers my hands in his slightly shaking hands.

My chest heaves and a sob begins to make its way out of my body.

"You don't have to explain, I was just confused mostly, but it's okay Trainwreck, I'm not judging or anything like that. I'm here open mind and arms." Holten says, his deep voice softening more as our eyes lock once again and our eyes stay in a heated stare.

"Why do you call me Trainwreck?" I ask, sniffling and shaking my head, trying to forget about Caiden and my situation and focus on someone who deserves my attention.

Holten's lips open in a smirk, "When we first met, you tripped on your way out of the door, that right there was your first impression. Little Trainwreck..." Holten says and leans closer.

My eyes widen as my mouth tumbles open, "Little Trainwreck?" I ask, my lips coming up into a genuine smile.

"Eh, sorry. My Little Trainwreck." Holten says and lifts up a hand to cup around my jaw, kneading my skin between his fingers.

"Your Trainwreck?" I ask, bewildered and amused all in one.

My heart starts to hammer wildly and my steady breathing falters when Holten leans in, and with his hand cupped around my jaw, he pulls my head in closer, our lips were mere inches apart.

"Yes, my Trainwreck." Holten whispers causing my heart to flutter in my chest.

Holten leans forward, sealing our lips in a very slow and intimate kiss, one that sent my heart soaring out of the room and had my entire body weak. The burning need and passion I felt in those few minutes of kissing Holten, I hadn't felt in a very long time.

Even with Caiden, it was always rushed, provocative, and flirty.

With Holten, it was a sweet, emotional, slow-burning passion.

There was something I felt being in Holten's arms that I hadn't felt in a long time; being cherished.


{Authors Note}

Thank you very much!

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